Fyreslayers Vanguard Box: What’s the Value?

fyreslayers vanguard box value pricingThere are a ton of minis inside the new Fyreslayers Vanguard Box; check out the pricing and value that it has!

Remember, these are mostly designed for new players to the factions, just like the current Start Collecting Sets that GW introduced back in 2016. They are being marketed as a quick way to get a small force on the table and play some small games right away.

Most times, the starter-style kits are a pretty good value. So even if you have some Fyreslayers already, this could be a decent value. Plus, since the rules are already out there, you know if the units included will add that extra power to your army.

Let’s check out the value!

Fyreslayers Vanguard Box: Pricing & Value

Vanguard Fyreslayers

26 hot-headed miniatures. Including a hero and battleline – form a fiery core to this force. A Battlesmith chronicles the stories of the Fyreslayers to lead 20 axe-toting Vulkite Berzerkers and five ferocious Hearthguard Berzerkers – who can be built instead as the indomitable Auric Hearthguard. 

  • Battlesmith $35
  • 20 Vulkite Berzerkers $120 ($60 for a box of 10)
  • 5 Hearthguard Berzerkers $50 

Total MSRP: $205

Savings Versus $130 Box Price: $75

Is the Box Worth it?

Battletome Fyreslayers

This actually is a great box, in our opinion. You get a ton of minis, all of which make for a good starter force. Then, the value itself is really high.

Basically, you pay for the 20 dudes and get the rest for free.

So, if you’re looking to start a new force or just build up your current army, we say this is a good buy. Especially when put against some other boxes with more or less useless units! Because here you get all playable minis.

What do you think about the value and pricing of the miniatures inside the new Fyreslayer Vanguard box? 

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