GAMEMAT Previews New Painted Terrain For 2018

By James Rodriguez | December 29th, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming, Terrain, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Gamemat Preview (4)

2017 is coming to an end and GAMEMAT eu is thanking their supporters with a special preview of of their new terrain releases planned for early 2018.

GAMEMAT eu was more than happy to show off their 2018 new releases as a way of saying thank you to all of their supporters. Let’s take a look at the new terrain and see what they had to say.

We would like to thank you all for great 2017! Your trust as customers allowed us to create many new products for games we love. We are having lot of fun and excitement going forward to 2018. We are sharing a bit what can be expected early 2018. And much more in works. Thank you!

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This new terrain looks absolutely amazing! has really outdone themselves this time and we can’t wait to see what these look like on the tabletop. What makes them even better is their terrain is coming pre-painted, so you’ll be able to rip open the box and put it right on the table for your next game. Make sure you head over to and check out their complete line of terrain and battlemats.

What do you think about the new terrain? Are you planning on getting any of it for yourself? Let us know in the comments below.