The rumors have been coming hot and heavy the last few weeks about new Space Marines, Chaos and more. Come see what it all may mean!
So here’s all the latest and greatest rumors form the past few weeks all collated up from BoLS. If you take a closer look some interesting trends seem to jump right out at you.
Grab your salt shakers and have a look at what may be a slow release period (again) for Warhammer 40k.
You all can pick through these and try to figure out what you think GW’s best release schedule week to week might be.
Chaos: Grand Alliance AoS
Order: Grand Alliance AoS
Death: Grand Alliance AoS
Destruction: Grand Alliance AoS
Death Release Window (starring an undead giant) AoS
Space Wolves Release Window 40K
Space Wolves vs Chaos Daemons Campaign 40K
Horus Heresy Plastic Reboxes Release Window 40K
Betrayal at Calth Boxed Game Sequel 40K
Oruks Release Window (starring a Wyvern) AoS
Duardin Release Window (starring a construct) AoS
Deathwatch Boxed Game 40K
Any Specialist Game Release (I would be shocked if they had any ready in time, but you never know)
So now do the math on all those rumored releases, and we only have 23 weeks to fill in the half year leading up to the close of the fiscal year for Games Workshop.
The the “sooner” pile seems to be bigger than the calendar can fit, and the later column is a little lacking. It’s almost like you could hide an entire 3-4 weeks worth of releases (i.e. an whole army release) in the later side and still have enough to ride out the calendar to summer!
Add salt to taste, and leave your thoughts below on what YOU think well be seeing sooner, and later.
-How would you release THIS line-up?