RUMORS: Steel Legion Returning To 40k In Octarius Preview

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openImperial players rejoice as it looks like the new 40k Octarius preview will contain the other boys in greatcoats, the Steel Legion!

The event was briefly announced another online preview on Warhammer Community inside the video of this week’s upcoming preorders.

While it’s not as fun as going to an event in person, it’s better than nothing! Let’s check out the details.

Games Workshop Reveals a Second New Preview For July!

You can tune in to Warhammer Community on Saturday, July 10th to see all of the reveals as they happen from 6 pm (BST), or catch them live on Twitch.

That’s right, hot on the heels of the Dominion Celebration, we’re plunging headfirst into another Warhammer Preview Online on Saturday, this time giving you an early look at what’s coming up next for Warhammer 40,000. Following the culmination of the War Zone Charadon story in Book II – The Book of Fire, our eyes turn to Ultima Segmentum where a meaner, greener threat brews.

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octarius sector times previewOf course, we will also have you covered here at Spikey Bits if you want to see our coverage along with some extra context/commentary.

We all expect this to be heavily 40k focused, however, they might sneak in some previews for other game systems as well so be sure to tune in! However, there are also some rumors floating around…

RUMORS: Steel Legion Returning To 40k In Octarius Preview

First off, a snazzy hobbyist, @IsMuffinz on Twitter, noticed something peculiar;

kill team font and kriegsman in background of initial announcement hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

A quick look at the image from Warhammer Community seems to confirm that observation!

You can tell this may not be the Death Korps of Krieg and could be Steel Legion mainly because there is no Pickelhaube (spike) on the top of the helmet!

The font on the other hand is definitely nearly identical to the Kill Team font. Perhaps foreshadowing an Imperial Guard Steel Legion vs. Orks Kill Team box set?

There is still more! This image from @WarComTeam on twitter seems to depict the Great White Squig, which we have seen hints about before…

MorzogWe have also seen a rumor engine depicting the same image as the background of the WarComTeam tweet!

Great White Squig

All of this seems to pretty much guarantee a model reveal of Morzog & The Great White Squig!

Lastly, the nail in the coffin for some speculations, the preview post by Warhammer Community had this to say:

You may remember from Warhammer Fest Online that more Ork reveals are yet to come, and it’s going to be quite hard to keep the lid on them once they know we’re off to one of their favourite fighty places.*

And that asterisk is addressed at the bottom of the article…

* After Armageddon, of course. Almost nothing beats Armageddon for a good scrap.

If a return to Armageddon is truly coming like WHC seems to point towards, we already know which factions were previously involved. As it turns out, it just so happens to be Tyranids, Orks, and Steel Legion (with a hint of Salamanders, which are also mentioned in the WHC post, and Black Templars) making all of these rumors looking extremely likely!

Luckily for all of us, we only have a few more days to wait and see as Saturday will reveal if the hobby community was right or not about this one!

Will you tune into the Preview? Are you hoping for anything in particular?

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