Games Workshop Releases New Warcry FAQ & Errata

warcry-cover-wal-title-new-rules rThe new Warcry FAQ actually has a decent amount of changes inside, but nothing too game-changing, don’t worry – check it out!

GW hasn’t been really giving updates on Warhammer Community when the FAQs go live, so you kind of have to just keep checking back. This one was no different, so if you missed the release, don’t feel too bad! Anyway, the main changes in the new doc are involving Tome of Champions 2019, Catacombs, and the Grand Alliance Books. This is the 2nd version of this FAQ, so all you really need to look for is things in magenta to quickly see what’s changed. 

On top of that, there is a pretty big Designer’s Commentary section and errata at the bottom. While it may not change your games too much, it’s good to know what’s happening with your favorite game. We’ll be highlighting what’s changed (things in Magenta) but if you want to see the whole thing, you can download it here.  Let’s get into it!

Games Workshop Releases New Warcry FAQ & Errata

Warcry FAQNothing too crazy here, just some changes to how lesser artifact consumables work, whether fighters are visible to themselves and if you can use a bonus move to get away from enemies.

Warcry FAQ 2This section of the FAQ has a lot of small changes and some places where rules have been superseded by newer sections. Definitely worth reading over all of them to see how they’ll affect your games.

Warcry FAQ 3The designer’s commentary answers a lot of common questions people were asking. The main one being which abilities can allies use. Again, if you want to download it, you can here.

Were you expecting these changes? Did this clear up any issues that you’ve been having?

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