Knight Acheron & Castigator Transform Into Multi-Part Plastic Kits

plastic-knight-acheron-castigator-horus-heresyIt’s official, the Knight Acheron and Castigator now have plastic kits to replace the resin ones from Forge World for Horus Heresy and Warhammer 40k!

The Games Workshop Not Warhammer 40,000 Preview was on July 4th weekend, with reveals for five games and again, definitely not 40k.

Games Workshop Not Warhammer 40,000 Preview Online

New GW Previews Horus Heresy

The new edition of a little game called Warhammer 40,000 has just been released, with revamped rules and a massive box filled with new miniatures. It’s all quite exciting! This release has garnered a lot of attention, but believe it or not, there are other Warhammer games out there. It’s now time to lavish some much-needed attention onto these other systems and settings, from the Mortal Realms to the Age of Darkness, with a jam-packed Not Warhammer 40,000 Preview – coming this weekend!

Starting at 9am EST this is one of the better times for a preview across the world we’ve seen in a while. In contrast, the west coast of the USA will have to get up quite early.

Knight Acheron & Castigator Transform Into Multi-Part Plastic Kits


Cerastus Knights Acheron & Castigator Plastic Kits

castigator and acheronHere is the latest on the Knight Achereon and Castigator multi-part plastic kits for Warhammer 40k and Horus Heresy from Warhammer Community.

Along with the Knight Lancer, all three Cersastus Knights jump to plastic from their previous resin miniatures available from Forge World.

hh knight acheron

By contrast, the Knight Acheron is a fearsome terror weapon, a grim beast intended for missions of extermination. Its bloodthirsty machine spirit roars to life as it immolates foes and fortifications with sheets of super-hot flame from its Acheron flamestorm cannon. Enemy engines seeking to defend their comrades are mangled with blows from the Acheron’s reaper chainfist, which packs an in-built twin-linked heavy bolter.



Intended as a fast close-quarters knight, this wants to demolish chaff in a blink and slice through any armor that ends up too close!

hh knight castigator

Rather than racing out to seek glory against titanic foes, the Knight Castigator prefers to reap massed enemies that may threaten its Knightly brethren through sheer weight of numbers. Its twin-linked Castigator bolt cannon pulverises infantry formations with torrents of mass-reactive ammunition, and its crackling tempest warblade can carve up light vehicles with a single elegant sweep – even as its pilot remains calm and focused, merged with the Castigator’s stoic machine spirit.


On the flip side, the Castigator mows down infantry with its bolt cannons! As fast as the Acheron, it trades a volume of damage for more damaging rounds to take out infantry.

Both the Castigator and Acheron feature a large ammo feed – or fuel tube – that trails from their primary ranged weapon to the supply on their back. This component has been designed to be fully articulated when built, meaning you can pose your Cerastus-class Knights without worrying about matching up two fixed connection points. 

Look for these to arrive after the Knight Lancer model for less than the cost of their Forge World counterparts!

Be sure to check out all of the big reveals from Games Workshop’s Not Warhammer 40,000 Preview below!

Click Here For The Latest Warhammer Previews

What do you think about these new GW previews for the Knight Achereon and Castigator multi-part plastic kits for Warhammer 40k and Horus Heresy? 

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