By Rob Baer | November 11th, 2014 | Categories: Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

GW_Nottingham hq

The more things change, the more they seem to stay the same. Will Games Workshop’s new CEO hire be the exception?

Just breaking now is GW’s new selection as CEO; Kevin Roundtree!

Why does that name sound familiar? Well he’s worked at Games Workshop for the last say 15 plus years as the Chief Operating Officer.

Guess he wrote one heck of a cover letter to get an interview!

See the Chairman’s preamble or the shortened version below!

The board has prepared a job specification for CEO, and the consequential advertisement. The ad. will be published the day after our AGM (September 18th).
If you apply, we require that you write a letter saying why you want the job. No letter, no interview.
The interviews will take place on November 7th and will be at Nottingham. An announcement will be made the following week.
We have not decided what will happen if no suitable candidate is found but I suspect my wife will be livid.

So what’s next? Should we wager on more of the same from Games Workshop in the future?

What do YOU think? -MBG