Games Workshop’s 8 New 40k Releases – REVEALED

By Rob Baer | August 14th, 2016 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, Warhammer Rumors & News


Come see the 8 new releases for Warhammer 40k’s Deathwatch that are coming this week to a game store, or online cart near you!

Source: Games Workshop

Deathwatch Terminator Captain $25



Space Marine Captains answer only to Chaplains, such is their battlefield prowess and ability. Some Captains prove themselves worthy of donning Terminator armour, hewn from reinforced ceramite, protected by force fields and brimming with advanced weaponry. The most impressively decorated of these – the best of the best of the elite – are called up to join the Deathwatch. Eagerly accepting this honour, the whine of a Deathwatch Watch Captain in Terminator armours’ servos and roar of their bolters is a harbinger of death for the xenos scum that threaten the Imperium in its darkest corners.

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This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble one Deathwatch Watch Captain in Terminator Armour. You’ll receive a Terminator Captain with a Citadel 40mm Round base, and a Deathwatch Upgrade Frame – this contains 10 Space Marine shoulder pads and 2 Terminator Armour shoulder pads with Deathwatch insignia, a Sergeant chest plate, 2 variant helmets, a power sword, a small backpack icon and 2 large vehicle icons, meaning you’ll have plenty of spare bits with which to assemble your perfect Kill Team!

Deathwatch Watch Captain $25



Space Marine Captains tend to be vicious, efficient killers, leading from the front, as comfortable crushing an alien skull as they are commanding others to do the same. Amplify this efficiency a thousandfold, and you begin to approach the abilities of a Deathwatch Watch Captain. Often his intervention will swing the tide of a battle – the sight of one of these experienced champions taking the fight directly to the foe is truly inspiring, able to impress even the elite Space Marines of the Deathwatch. Respected and admired by those aware of their existence, Watch Captains bear the fate of the Imperium upon their broad shoulders with every decision they make.

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble one Watch Captain. You’ll receive a Space Marine Captain, plus a Deathwatch Upgrade Frame – this contains 10 Space Marine shoulder pads and 2 Terminator Armour shoulder pads with Deathwatch insignia, a Sergeant chest plate, 2 variant helmets, a power sword, a small backpack icon and 2 large vehicle icons, meaning you’ll have plenty of spare bits with which to assemble your perfect Kill Team!

Kill Team Cassius $65



Assembled by Ortan Cassius, Ultramarines Chaplain of renown, Kill Team Cassius was the squad sent to investigate the deeply suspicious goings-on on the mining planet Ghosar Quintus. Designed to root out and punish those who would challenge the Imperium’s supremacy over the galaxy, his hand-picked coterie of warriors are fiercely loyal, impressively beweaponed and sworn to cleanse xenos filth wherever it may dwell.


This box contains 11 Deathwatch Space Marines:

– Ortan Cassius, Ultramarines Chaplain;
– Vael Donatus, Ultramarines Sternguard Veteran;
– Zameon Gydrael, Company Champion;
– Rodricus Grytt, Imperial Fists Devastator;
– Antor Delassio, Flesh Tearer Assault Marine Sergeant;
– Edryc Setorax, Raven Guard Vanguard Veteran;
– Jensus Natorian, Blood Ravens Codicer Librarian;
– Drenn Redblade, Space Wolves Blood Claw;
– Garran Branatar, Salamander Terminator;
– Ennox Sorrlock, Iron Hands Sternguard Veteran;
– Jetek Suberei, White Scars Biker Sergeant;
– a teleport homer and a servo skull.

Comes supplied with a Citadel 75x46mm Oval base, a Citadel 40mm Round base, 2 Citadel 25mm Round bases and 10 Citadel 32mm Round bases.




Deathwatch Bikers $60


Unstoppable battering rams, the Bikers of the Deathwatch are far from subtle. Revelling in their role as shock troopers, riding to war side by side, they can smash through a battle line and shatter even the most carefully planned xenos defenses with a twist of their throttles. Built to traverse the most hostile alien worlds with raw brute force, their engines tuned to deliver maximum raw power, Deathwatch Bikers run their quarry to ground with a grim pleasure – speed and violence are their watchwords in the struggle against that which would wipe mankind from the galaxy.

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This kit contains the components necessary to assemble 5 Deathwatch Bikers, with their twin-linked boltguns and close combat weapons. It comprises 5 Space Marine Bikers, plus a Deathwatch Upgrade Frame – this contains 10 Space Marine shoulder pads and 2 Terminator Armour shoulder pads with Deathwatch insignia, a Sergeant chest plate, 2 variant helmets, a power sword, a small backpack icon and 2 large vehicle icons, meaning you’ll have plenty of spare bits with which to assemble your perfect Kill Team!

Deathwatch Land Raider $80



Legendary across the Imperium, the Land Raider is a physical manifestation of absolute war worthy of the Deathwatch. Built to concentrate fire at a single point, capable of transporting a Kill Team to its deployment amid a hail of heavy bolter and lascannon fire, the Land Raider is an essential tool in the Deathwatch struggle against the xenos threat. In their Redeemer configurations, they pour forth a blazing inferno of promethium that can burn the hardest exoskeleton and melt steel beams to puddles of liquid metal. Land Raider Crusaders blast away with hurricane bolters and assault cannon. Each are merciless.

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components needed to build either a Deathwatch Land Raider, Deathwatch Land Raider Redeemer or Deathwatch Land Raider Crusader. You’ll receive a Land Raider, a Land Raider Crusader Upgrade sprue plus a Deathwatch Upgrade Frame – this contains 10 Space Marine shoulder pads and 2 Terminator Armour shoulder pads with Deathwatch insignia, a Sergeant chest plate, 2 variant helmets, a power sword, a small backpack icon and 2 large vehicle icons, meaning you’ll have plenty of spare bits with which to assemble your perfect Kill Team!

Deathwatch Transport $42



The Deathwatch rely on shock tactics and sudden assaults in order to penetrate the lairs of the xenos. Certain vehicles lend themselves better to this style than others, and while the entire range of the Imperium’s vehicles are available to the Deathwatch, the Razorback and Rhino are their choices when pushing deep into the most hostile territory. The Rhino armoured personnel carrier has been a mainstay of Imperial forces for millennia; robust and dauntless, part of its enduring legacy is the ease of field repair as well as its ability to crush all before it. The Razorback is a variant that sacrifices berths in the hold for a merciless heavy weapons turret – both of these are indispensable tools to the Deathwatch and their brutal struggle against the darkness.

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the components necessary to assemble one Deathwatch Transport, in either Rhino or Razorback configuration. You’ll receive a Razorback, assemblable optionally as a Rhino, plus a Deathwatch Upgrade Frame – this contains 10 Space Marine shoulder pads and 2 Terminator Armour shoulder pads with Deathwatch insignia, a Sergeant chest plate, 2 variant helmets, a power sword, a small backpack icon and 2 large vehicle icons, meaning you’ll have plenty of spare bits with which to assemble your perfect Kill Team!

How to Paint Citadel Miniatures: Deathwatch $10



How to Paint Citadel Miniatures: Deathwatch is a fantastic, comprehensive introduction to painting Deathwatch Space Marines from a variety of Chapters, taking the reader through the basics of the Citadel Painting System with step-by step guides. Each guide shows you how to achieve the results using either layering techniques or drybrushing, and is perfect for anyone looking to make their Kill Teams look as good as they can!

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New release and combo boxes unite! This week has some pretty great releases money wise, and with that upgrade sprue they can pretty much make any kit “Deathwatch”.

I’d expect the flyer, veterans, vanguard and maybe even a combo termie box to drop for next week if I was a betting man…

What are YOU down for this week?

About the Author: Rob Baer

Rob Baer

 rob avatar faceJob Title: Managing Editor

Founded Spikey Bits in 2009

Socials: Rob Baer on Facebook and @catdaddymbg on X

About Rob Baer: Founder, Publisher, & Managing Editor of Spikey Bits, the leading tabletop gaming news website focused on the hobby side of wargaming and miniatures.  Rob has won many Warhammer 40k Tournaments over the years, including the Adepticon Team Tournament and American Team Tournaments, and is on a first-name basis with almost every major company in the space.

He’s all gaming all the time. With over 30 years of experience in retail and distribution, Rob knows all the products and exactly which ones are the best. He advocates for gaming stores and manufacturers in these difficult times, always looking for the next big thing to feature for the miniatures hobby, helping everyone to provide the value consumers want.

While he’s played every edition of Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy (since 5th Edition) and has been hobbying on miniatures since the 1908s, Titans of all sizes will always be his favorite! It’s even rumored that his hobby vault rivals the Solemnance Galleries, containing rulebooks filled with lore from editions long past, ancient packs of black-bordered Magic Cards, and models made of both pewter and resin.