Games Workshop’s Best Black Library Books of the Year

black library book of the year warhammer 40k games workshopThe votes are in, and Games Workshop has announced its best Black Library book of the year, along with the top ten you might need to read!

Not long ago, GW asked for people to vote on the best book of the year, and thousands answered the call! If you’ve been looking for some new  Warhammer reading material to sink your teeth into, it really seems like you can’t go wrong with any of these. There is some good variety in the list, so don’t worry; it’s not just about Space Marines either

Games Workshop’s Best Black Library Book of the Year

Here is the latest on the best Black Libary books from Warhammer Community.

GW Best book

Last week we gave you the chance to vote on the Book of the Year, and tens of thousands of you weighed in. Alas, as with any ‘Best Thing of the Year’ contest – even one held in March – there can be only one winner. Here’s the top 10…

All seven of these books were loved by the community, but not quite enough to get into the podium finishes. However, they are still great reads, and you can grab your own copy from the link below!

While all these books are awesome, let’s get into the top three books of the year!

#3 The End and the Death: Volume II

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GW Best book 2

Picking up from Volume I, Dan Abnett’s The End and the Death: Volume II sees the Imperium on the brink as the Siege of Terra series approaches its grand finale. Noble Sanguinius takes the fight to the flagship of his traitor brother, hoping to strike down the leader of the galactic civil war. Let’s see how that plays out.

If you’ve read this far into the series, it’s pretty hard not to love this one! It only makes sense it took the 3rd spot from the community.

#2 The End and the Death: Volume III

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GW Best book 3 best black library books

The End and the Death: Volume III comes in second place on your Book of the Year list. And what a tale it is.

After over 60 novels and a whole host of short stories, the Horus Heresy series reaches its climax – Emperor versus Warmaster, father versus son, shiny golden armour versus sinister obsidian armour. And the fate of all humanity hangs in the balance. 

Well, if you thought part two was good, then part three is just awesome! Considering this is the book to finish off such a giant series, it’s no surprise it took the second spot (maybe more surprising it wasn’t number one).

#1 The Lion: Son of the Forest

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GW Best book 4 best black library books

The Lion: Son of the Forest by Mike Brooks clinched the top spot by a mere 500 votes, proving the prowess of the First Legion’s Primarch. This momentous tale has been 10,000 in-universe years in the making, and 30 of our own.

After millennia of dreaming, locked in stasis at the heart of his shattered home world, Lion El’Jonson wakes to the nightmare of Imperium Nihilus. Faced with these strange times, the Primarch of the Dark Angels can be certain of nothing and no-one, except for himself.

The model release of The Lion had been rumored and hyped for years, so it’s no surprise that the accompanying story was so popular! This book lets everyone know how he came back, and obviously, people loved it!

It’s always exciting to see which books were the best to make the top ten list from Games Workshop, and this year’s #1 selection did not disappoint. Overall, there have been a ton of awesome books to brush up on your lore this year with all kinds of grimdark goodness!

Click Here to Grab The #1 Book!

What do you think were the best Black Library books you’ve read from GW this year? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group or our new Discord server. Make sure to enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!


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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!