Games Workshop’s Big Halloween Reveal?

By Rob Baer | October 23rd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


salamanders jack o latern

Something BIG is going to be unveiled on Halloween from Games Workshop, come see the rumors that are going around about what may be the NEXT BIG THING!

This is one of those “putting the pieces together” pieces of news:


November 7th has been listed as a “no time off” date for GW staff.  This always occurs during the weekends of MAJOR product rollouts, such as New Edition rollouts and such.

We have been hearing from multiple sources that Horus Heresy is happening in the timeframe of early November and will be the major rollout of Q4 2015 for GW.

Thus we should be right on the cusp of official word and materials coming out of GW on the upcoming launch.

Today we just heard that retailers have been told the following from GW:

  1. Sales collateral (posters) will be arriving at all retail locations to be put up on October 31.
  2. The new posters will announce a MAJOR new product that will go up for sale the following Saturday November 5th.

We have seen this pattern multiple times before, such as the Glotkin posters that all GW stores got during the END TIMES rollout last year.


Remember this guy?


It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to put 2 and 2 together.


Get your Horus Heresy budget ready because it wont be long now, and scout out your local GW on Halloween to see what may be hanging there.