Get a Free Wargaming Fields E-Book From Terrains 4 Games

terrain4gamesIf you need help deciding what to use for your games, the new free wargaming fields E-Book From Terrains 4 Games is a great place to start!

We always like free stuff, and when it’s a book about wargaming terrain and how to use fields in your game, it’s even better! The book features a lot of their terrain, which is pretty sweet but also talks about what types of terrain to use depending on the time period. So, even if you just want to look at some cool pics of wargaming fields, it’s free, so why not?

Fields are some of the easiest ways to complete your table and really make it look amazing. So if you’ve been wondering what you need to do to fill out your table, why not throw some fields in there? Enough just talking though, let’s look at some highlights from the book!

Free Wargaming Fields E-Book From Terrains 4 Games:

fields free e-book 3The book is full of great pictures of how you can use the fields, what type of games they would work in, and just some cool background. Basically, no matter where your battles are taking place, a field could easily be there. Because no matter the time or place, people have to eat and grass will grow. If you love terrain with all your heart, check out what else is going on with it.

fields free e-book 2They also throw in some really cool pictures and artwork of classic battles taking place in the flowing fields of Earth. Even in the Grimdark, some battles have to take place in the fields, because not every planet happens to be a hive world.

fields free e-book

They also have a ton of really cool terrain that would work well for most games, so while you’re grabbing the free book, might as well take a look at what they have to offer while you’re there.

Get Your Free E-Book Here!