Get Fancy With This Official Warhammer 40k Imperium Necktie

warhammer-40k-necktieIf you want to really show the business world what you’re all about, then this new official Warhammer 40k Imperium Necktie might be perfect!

Merchoid gets some pretty cool official 40k merch and stuff that most places don’t even think about getting! This time it’s a really cool necktie, but recently they also had a bunch of plushies and sweaters, so worth keeping an eye on if you love 40k accessories.

It’s not super pricey when it comes to ties, so that’s always a plus. They also say on the site there isn’t a ton left, but we’re not sure how much stock there actually is, but if you want it, might as well grab it sooner than later! Let’s check it out!

Get Fancy With This Official Warhammer 40k Imperium Necktie

40k tieThis looks really cool and the nice thing is that it’s not too in “your face”. So you could wear this to your place of work and it wouldn’t look unprofessional.

40k tie 2Here are the specs on this one:

Fulfilling the will of the God-Emperor comes with many roles. So for those days when you find yourself manning the front desk of the Empire, this Warhammer 40,000 Imperium tie will keep you on message whilst you organize the next Ultramarines deployment.

  • Made from 100% Poly
  • Ultramarines blue, complete with individual chapter logo detailing
  • Comes with an Aquila pin badge


40k tie 3The pin looks great and it seems to be pretty high-quality, so hopefully, you can get years of use out of the tie and continue to show off your allegiance to the Emperor!

40k tie 4As we said, if you just tuck this in, no one will be the wiser that you’re a huge 40k fan and the people who know will be quite excited!

This Official Warhammer 40k Chaos Necktie

Fear not followers of the dark gods, there is also a Chaos version as well!

When you pledge a life of servitude to the Chaos Gods, devotion must be shown in all aspects of life, including your 9-5, fancy engagements and important meetings. Stay on message with this Warhammer 40,000 Chaos tie, complete with Chaos star pin.

  • Made from 100% poly
  • Khorne red, complete with Chaos star detailing
  • Comes with Chaos Star pin badge

That does it for this one, now go get yourself some new gear to up your outfit!

Click Here to Get Your 40k Tie Here!