Ghost Brush Terrain, Flats & Filberts Kickstarter!

ghost terrain brushes featureIf you want some awesome paint brushes for miniatures that you can afford, the Ghost Brush Terrain, Flats, and Filberts Kickstarter might be perfect!

There aren’t too many companies that focus on terrain brushes, but these are perfect for that, or any big project! As they have tons of big brushes and then smaller brushes (for terrain that is) that will make getting your terrain on the table easy!

Obviously, these can be used for things other than just terrain as they will also be perfect for tanks, knights, dragons, or anything big! This is their fourth project and this is already backed, so no worries about this happening, which is always nice! Let’s take a closer look at the project.

Ghost Brush Terrain, Flats & Filberts Kickstarter!

ghost terrain brushesThe set is just super high-quality and really useful! As we said, this isn’t their first rodeo, so you know the project has to be well done and planned out.

ghost terrain brushes 2Here’s what they have to say about the brushes:

Flats Vs Filberts

First off why not both!!! The gratification and relaxation of painting is all about exploring the use of your brushes. I will give you some examples of reasons to use both of these shaped brushes in your miniature painting, but It is you who will truly blow me away with innovative and imaginative final results.


A flat brush is a great choice for the flat surfaces you find often in sci fi miniatures. The most obvious of this example is in tanks and vehicles. Getting a smooth coat of paint on a flat surface should not intimidate you and should be another fun part of painting. The flat brushes are also great for hard edges

A filbert brush lends itself very well to organic surfaces. The wings of your dragon and the muscles of a rampaging giant. The brush naturally leaves a softer edge and is great for building up highlights and textures in your painting.

hobby toolYou can also grab a texture tool that is amazing for getting your terrain ready and looking realistic, plus, you get to feel like Bob Ross while using it!

Add Ons

ghost terrain brushes 3If you don’t have well-made clippers, might as well throw them onto the project and be ready to go!

ghost terrain brushes 4This isn’t super necessary, but is just super cool! Who doesn’t want a little Necroholder for their paints?

Stretch Goals

ghost terrain brushes 5Since the project has done so well already, there are a ton of stretch goals already hit, and they are ready to hit more!

That does it for this one, now go get some awesome brushes and accessories!

Click Here To Support the Project!