Finish Your 40k Army With Some Quality Decals From Ginfritters!

Gin Fritter DecalIf you’ve been looking for a way to give your Warhammer 40k army that organized feel, Ginfritter’s Gnomish Workshop has the decals for you!

Are you tired of your miniatures looking plain and unorganized? Do you want to give your army that official and organized feel? Ginfritter’s Gnomish Workshop has got you covered with its wide range of decals and hobby supplies. 

Custom Desgins & Decals for Warhammer 40k

Gin Fritters Items

Grinfitter’s Gnomish Workshop has tons and tons of amazing hobby supplies, miniatures, bases, and so much more. They are a great place to look if you’re ever looking for something to make your miniatures stand out!

We’ll take a look at just some more of their 40k decals, but they have hundreds of sheets on their site, with tons of Marines, chapters, Xenos, and so much more. Plus, Ginfritter’s high-quality decals are available in various colors, designs, and sizes and are perfect for adding that finishing touch to your models. 

Ginfritter’s Iron Cross #2 Prime Scale Waterslide Decal: $6

Get 10% off your order with promo code: Spikey10



This popular decal set contains 33 Iron Cross Decals and 5 larger Iron Crosses and 64 small Iron Crosses. Available colors are Black w/ Red Outline, Black wi/ White Skull, Red, Black and solid White fields. Great for Historical, Fantasy and Sci-Fi!

Fits True Scale and Prime Space Marines. Check out Iron Coss #2 in the store for tactical Marine scale miniatures.

Fleur-De-Lis #1 Waterslide Transfer Decals perfect for Warhammer 40k: $6


In the Age of Chivalry, great and powerful knights protected the people. Galloping on great steeds with shining and emblazoned shields, surcoats and tabards these knights displayed the heraldry of their knightly deeds. Ginfritter’s Gnomish Workshop helps out the young Grandmaster of the chapter by producing a line of Fleur de Lis in Gold. The sheet is approximately 4 .13″ wide x 1.56″ tall (117mm x 40 mm). There are (50) mini Fleur de Lis that are 2.5mm tall, (60) medium Fleur de Lis and there are  6mm tall and (8) large Fleur de Lis tht are 12.5mm tall. Excellent for Games Workshop Sisters of Battle or finger nail embellishments. The iconography is suitable for Warhammer AoS, Warhammer 40k, Frostgrave and Runewars. This decal is available in white, metallic gold and black.

Ginfritter’s Lion Rampant Waterslide Decals: $6


In the Age of Chivalry, virtuous knights protected the people. Galloping on great steeds with emblazoned shields, surcoats and tabards, these knights displayed the heraldry of their knightly deeds. Ginfritter’s Gnomish Workshop created for the young Grandmaster of the chapter a sheet of  Lion rampant decals. Available in Black, White, Red and Gold

Make your miniatures stand out on the battlefield and impress your opponents with the organized and official look of your army. Order your decals, perfect for Warhammer 40k, today!

Click Here to Get Your Ginfritter’s Decals!

Be sure to get 10% off your order with promo code: Spikey10