Green Lantern & More on the Way from Knight Models!

The Green Lantern is coming to save the day, and on the other end of the spectrum, Two-Face’s Gang is trying to spoil the fun.

Whether you’re looking for heroes or villains, Knight Models always has something for you! Their line of DC minis is starting to get insane, so basically, any character that’s your favorite, they have it. While the Lantern isn’t very obscure, they even have the Condiment man for crying out loud!

While the good guys are fun, you need some bad guys to make the battles happen! This time around they are expanding the villain line with a couple of baddies from Two-Face’s gang. They have a great fifties feel that could also let them be used in a ton of alternative games. Let’s stop talking and jump into the minis!

Green Lantern:

Green LanternOne of our favorites from the Universe. While his movie may have sucked horribly, and we mean like really bad, his comic persona has always been really cool! They have another version of the model on the site, but this one is much more dynamic with a way better base. If you love what Knight Models are up to, check out what else they have going on.

Two-Face’s Gang:

Two Face GangThe gang members look great and are just full of great detail! If you’ve been looking to bring down the goody-two-shoes of Gotham these might be the guys. They probably aren’t, but you never know! Maybe with the help of Two-Face, the Joker, and every other bad guy, they might have a good chance.

That does it for these awesome new releases! Bolster your DC Multiverse forces today and either help the cause or get in the way of it.

Grab Your Green Lantern & Knight Models Here