GW Announces Beastmen as WD Pictures Surface

By Rob Baer | August 26th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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A new Age of Sigmar army has appeared on the horizon today, as Games Workshop is dropping more reveals duing this hectic back to school season!

Looks like the honeymoon may be over for Grot fanatics as Beastmen may be the focus for Age of Sigmar in September.  Check out the previous rumor, and some curious clues that multi-faction battletome books (like grots) may be viable now for Age of Sigmar!

Grot-Tember Over? Gw Announces Beastmen as WD Pictures Surface

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Supposedly, we head that there were some Grots headed our way in Age of Sigmar. LLV had this to say:

But Grots (note im saying ‘Grots’ because at this point based on what I’ve been told on the range im not even sure theyre ‘moonclan’ anymore) are happening very soon and I wouldnt be suprised to see them this weekend at Warhammer Fest Europe or at the latest Nova panel next weekend

As Grots are one of the oldest factions in AoS, could GW be molding all the Grot factions into one in an update? He did mention that he doesn’t even know their name aside from Grots. One thing is for sure, they definitely need an update.

Enter Games Workshop dropping a reveal of the new Beastmen for Age of Sigmar as pictures began to surface from September’s White Dwarf.

GW Announces Beastmen as WD Pictures Surface

This Battletome deals with more than just the brayherds, it compiles many of the bestial creatures of Chaos into a single unholy tome including Bullgors, Dragon Ogors, Tzaangor and more besides. A Beasts of Chaos force represents the untamed inhuman nature of Chaos is all its glory – a single army, with powerful, overlapping allegiance abilities, magical lores, and spells.

Looks like the only new model for this faction is the HUGE Herdstone (old Braystone?).

From Top left to right Minotaurs, Cygor, new Herdstone, Dragon Ogres, Dragon Ogre Shaggoth, Bestigors, Beastlord, Bray-Shaman, Gors, Ungors, and Chaos Warhounds.

As well as providing an awesome centerpiece for your army, the Herdstone also provides powerful in-game benefits that work alongside their new allegiance abilities.

Interestingly enough, as they noted above, this army will contain multiple factions, something I do not think we have seen before in a Battletome, and perhaps a great indicator that this could work for the various GROT factions as well.

…now the full fury of this dark sorcery can be manifested in three new endless spells. We’ll have news for you soon on exactly what they do, but it seems safe to say that massive flaming, charging bull is probably not a subtle spell…

Beasts of Chaos will be in stores in September.

What do you think about these rumors? Would you like to see Grots as one big faction in AoS? What do you think of the Beastmen finally getting an update?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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