GW Announces New Necromunda, Aeronautica, & More

necromundaNew Underhive models for Necromunda, plus Aeronautica models, a new Blood Bowl team, and more are on the way next week!

Warhammer Community just let us in on what’s going up on pre-order for the coming week!  Let’s check out what all is on the way to pre-order on August 22nd. 

Necromunda banner

House of Blades

house of bladesThis book is the ultimate guide for all things Escher, featuring the definitive history of the house, rules for fielding an Escher gang in games of Necromunda, and new Dramatis Personae. There are also rules for Hired Guns, Hangers-on, and Brutes for every gang, along with some Escher-specific ones.

Death-maidens and Wyld Runners

Death-maidens and Wyld RunnersThe new box lets you build two Death-maidens, four Wyld Runners, and four Phelynx, – vicious creatures that sometimes accompany Wyld Runners. With a range of new weaponry, including venom claws and wyld bows, these new fighters will add even more flexibility into your Escher gangs, enabling you to spread your poisons to the furthest reaches of the underhive.

Slave Ogryns

Slave Ogryns

The six Ogryns, armed with augmetic fists, storm welders, and spud-jackers, will prove that in the underhive, might makes right. Also included in the kit are options to make a Lobo-slave and an Ogryn with just one arm.

We saw these guys back with the previous House of Chains expansion. However now you get to field them with this kit (or perhaps use them in your guard list as “conversions”)!

New Necromunda Card Packs

new gang tactic cardsTactics packs for the Escher and Ogryn Slave gangs will make it easy for you to keep track of your fighters and gang-specific strategies, with each including 18 gang-specific Tactics cards and 8 blank Fighter cards. Meanwhile, the Necromunda Open Hive War Card Pack allows you to generate missions for your games simply.

Escher and Slave Ogryn Dice

necromunda escher diceAs you may have realized when there’s a faction release you can usually get some dice to go along with it! This is no different, if you like to match grab your set of dice with your new Necromunda faction.

Aeronautica Imperialis

Avenger Strike Fighter

Avenger Strike FighterDesigned as a ground attack aircraft, the Strike Fighter’s main armament is its massive avenger bolt cannon – ideal for punching through the weaker top and side armour of enemy vehicles.

BLood Bowl banner

Crud Creek Nosepickers

As players, they aren’t very fast, they aren’t very tough, and they aren’t very smart. You might think that this makes them ill-suited to the game of Blood Bowl, and you’d be right. But if Halflings can play, then why not Snotlings?

Spike Issue 10

The rules for using a Snotling team in games of Blood Bowl can be found in Spike! Journal Issue 10. Along with all the Snotling stats you’ll ever need, there is a history of the little green creatures in Blood Bowl, a look at some of their most famous teams, star player spotlights, and more.

Crud Creek Nosepickers Accessories

With previous Blood Bowl team releases, you could get cards, dice, and a home pitch. This is no different, if you plan to play them you may want to look the part too- get them while supplies last!

What do you think about the new Factions that are coming to pre-order? Do you play any of these games? Do you like it when GW takes a break from the AoS and 40k flagship releases?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!