GW Announces New Skirmish Games Preview For July

new gw previews adepticon LVO nova openGames Workshop just announced new previews are on the way for most of their skirmish games- check out that latest on what will be revealed!

They did a decent-sized preview not that long ago that was full of Chaos Minis, now, it looks like they’ll be focusing on the smaller games. The preview will take place on July 10th at 2 PM BST (9 AM EST).

Warhammer Community just unveiled the new preview teaser. With the recent Space Hulk teaser, we expect that to get way more details, but they are also focusing on the AoS side as well, but we’ll just have to wait and see on the specifics. Let’s check out the teaser more.

New GW Skirmish Games Preview Announced!

GW Skirmish

Warhammer Preview Online! Summer Skirmish will be loaded with reveals for our skirmish games, so join us live by tuning in on the Warhammer Twitch channel at 2pm BST on Sunday the 10th of July.

It looks like the fantasy side of things will be getting all kinds of reveals! This makes sense as it looks like the major three games (40k, AoS, and now HH) are in a bit of a lull after the most recent releases. This is a good way to hold people over until the next big release, and there is plenty to reveal for the smaller games we’re sure.

GW Skirmish 2

With a new Norse Blood Bowl Team getting revealed last time, we wouldn’t be surprised by an entirely new team. For Necromunda, it would make sense to keep the Ash Wastes releases flowing. Then, for the rest of the fantasy games, it seems as if we’ll probably get some brand new warbands as a lot of them were recently taken off the store.

This gives them some room for giant reveals and overhauls.

All the Newest GW Model Previews

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