GW Breaks Their Silence On Lost Patrol – UNBOXING

By Rob Baer | March 22nd, 2016 | Categories: Product Review, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw studio blood bowl

GW was very loose lipped last week at the GAMA convention. Come see this unboxing of the new 40k game Lost Patrol, and more on Blood Bowl!

Games Workshop showed up on the last day of GAMA on the Dice Tower  live feed and unboxed the new Lost Patrol game and talked Blood Bowl LIVE!

video from The Dice Tower (YouTube)

Games Workshop Starts at: 3:07:00

Here’s the scoop from BoLS:


GW’s rep. Andre said on camera about Lost Patrol:

Lost Patrol $60

Ships in June 2016

30 minute playtime

A newly designed game, not simply a reprint of the original 2000 game.

Included minis:

  • Astartes Scouts x5 (RED plastic)
  • Genestealers x12 (dark plastic)
  • “Infestations” x6
  • Map Tiles x30

Map hex-tiles are shuffled and placed down around the Space Marine Scouts based on their line of sight.  The map will have a “fog of war” quality. As the Scouts move along, the map will appear in front of them, and disappear behind them, possibly changing if they double back.

The goal is for even a single Scout to reach their Drop Pod – resulting in a marine victory.

Opponents will be both the Genestealers and the map itself.

Also that Blood Bowl box is a mock up only with a few separate “demo” figures


“Games Workshop is releasing a new version of the 2000 classic Lost Patrol with updated components and rules. It arrives in stores on June 17.

The new game is a two-player game with one side taking on the roles of Space Marine Scouts hunted by the other player controlling a group of fearsome alien Genestealers. Played out on a dynamic, tile-based board, the squad of Marines must navigate a jungle that moves and changes as they travel the board. The game has updated rules from the original 2000 game and is just as fast-paced as the original, playing in about 30 minutes.”


GAMA Lost Patrol Images

GW has solicited the game to distributors at GAMA 2016 in Las Vegas, occurring this weekend.  The following image from the show has arrived, with some interesting details:

images via Imgur and Barcode:


Whew doggie, never in the history of ever do we remeber GW going on the record outside Nottingham folks. This is a brave new world for the hobby indeed.

Are we seeing a kinder, gentler Games Workshop now?

What are YOU down for, Blood Bowl or Lost Patrol?

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