GW Brings Back 40k’s Codex Apocrypha – CONFRIMED

By Rob Baer | May 22nd, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

indexastartesapocrypha - hor

Don’t miss this one! Games Workshop just brought back the Index Astartes Apocrypha book- get it while you can folks this one is sure to sell out again.

Source Games Workshop

Index Astartes Apocrypha brough back

You guys asked for it, and here it is.
Due to overwhelming demand, we’ve brought back the Space Marine compilation Index Astartes: Apocrypha.
Containing classic Space Marine background articles dating back up to 30 years, this tome of content is a great read for anyone intersted in the history of the Warhammer 40,000 setting.

Index Astartes Apocrypha Hardback  $35

Index Astartes Apocrypha REVIEW:

It’s a whole book of 40k flashbacks!  Come see 30 years of Space Marines inside the new Index Astartes Apocrypha book, and whether it’s worth your hobby dollars!

This new book is perfect for the coffee table! It has all the 40k flashbacks, and it seems like every-time I read it I find something new that I had missed before.  Overall its a great deal with its awesome contents, and fresh hardcover graphics for any 40k enthusiast.

Checkout the full details below!

Index Astartes Apocrypha Hardback  $35



And they shall know no fear!

Celebrating thirty years of Space Marines, Index Astartes: Apocrypha brings together a number of the most elusive articles from the darkest reaches of the Citadel archives. Discover for yourself the origin, history and development of the greatest warriors humanity has ever conceived!

Inside this hardback book you’ll find classic articles from the early days of the Space Marines reproduced in their entirety for the first time, and see how their design, the miniatures, the wargear and the gameplay have evolved. An absolutely essential read for anyone who follows the Warhammer 40,000 hobby, this book is an unprecedented insight into the history and formation of this iconic army!

Amongst the articles included:

  • – the Space Marines’ first appearance in Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader;
  • – early uniforms and heraldry;
  • – the original ‘Making of a Space Marine article from White Dwarf;
  • – a comprehensive look at the evolution of power armour;
  • – incredible early artwork, including the original depiction of Horus’ duel with the Emperor

and much, much more! An unmissable addition to the bookshelf of every Space Marine aficionado.



The table of contents.  Checkout all the origin stories and artwork for the Space Marines from  Rogue Trader on up through the ages.  They bring us chapters, Chaos Marines, key units, vehicles, the Horus Heresy and much more.

Index Astartes Apocrypha Space Marines 30th Anniv REVIEW

Wow what a trip down memory lane. Be sure to pick up your copy this weekend and leave it laying on the coffee table for all to see!


Get FREE Horus Heresy Units! Ends May 31