GW Designer Brings Necromunda to Fallout Factions Game

fallout factions productsThe Games Workshop designer who made Necromunda what it is today has developed the Fallout Factions Nuka-World skirmish game!

If you love the idea of Fallout from Modiphius but were never too into the tabletop game, this might just be perfect for you! James Hewitt, the former Games Workshop designer for titles like Necromunda, Adeptus Titanicus, and Blood Bowl 2016, has developed the new Fallout Factions Nuka-World skirmish game.

GW Designer Brings Necromunda to Fallout Faction Game

The new game is more streamlined than previous Fallout tabletop games and features smaller armies, making it closer to how Necromunda plays. The game is available for pre-order now and will be released in mid-May.  We’ll check out the pre-orders, but also some about the mechanics of the game.

The video breaks down a game played as a one-off game in the video, but you can obviously play more of an RPG style. The game mechanics seem pretty simple, but not without intricacies. With James on board, we expect the game to keep growing in terms of weapons, factions, and playability. Each gang will have its own objectives (as not every group in Fallout needs the same things), and you don’t need to play consistent games with the same people (but we probably would still try). If you love Fallout and want a new skirmish game, this could be really fun!

Now, let’s check out some of the pre-order releases! Best of all, you can grab the PDF rules for free, so you can check out the rules before buying the game.

Fall Out Faction Nuka-World Pre-Orders

Necromunda FalloutThe game will drop with nine releases, three factions, and three starter boxes! We’ll focus on the starter-style boxes, but you can also get individual factions as well!

Fallout: Factions – ‘Battle For Nuka-World’ Starter Set: $109

Fallout NecromundaGetting into a game for only $109 is a good deal, and much cheaper than some other games out there.

Necromunda Fallout 2Here are the specs on this starter:

Welcome to Fallout: Factions, the brand new Fallout Miniatures Skirmish game from Modiphius and acclaimed game designer James Hewitt! In Fallout: Factions, you lead your own gang of Raiders through the ruins of Nuka-World, cutting the competition out of your territory and watching your Scavvers, Psychos and more grow and change with every scrap. Containing everything you need to play the game, this Starter Set allows you to get a jump on the competition with enough miniatures to start building your own gang, before taking the fight to a friend!

Necromunda Fallout 3The Fallout: Factions – Nuka World Starter Set contains:

  • 1x 80-page rulebook
  • 1x sprue of 10 hard plastic multi-part The Pack miniatures (+ bases)
  • 1x sprue of 10 hard plastic multi-part The Operators Miniatures (+ bases)
  • 3x sheets of punch-out terrain
  • 1x battle map and poster
  • 86 tokens
  • 12 dice
  • 1 tape measure

Fallout: Factions – Crew Warfare Bundle: $192.36

Fallout Necromunda 2If you want to go all in, you can get a bigger bundle with extra minis and dice packs! This will get you all the starter factions, so it should set you up for a good campaign.

Fallout Necromunda 3Here’s everything you get inside:

The Fallout: Factions – ‘Battle For Nuka World’ Starter Set includes:

  • 1x 80-page rulebook
  • 1x sprue of 10 hard plastic multi-part The Pack miniatures (+ bases)
  • 1x sprue of 10 hard plastic multi-part The Operators Miniatures (+ bases)
  • 3x sheets of punch-out terrain
  • 1x battle map and poster
  • 86 tokens
  • 12 dice
  • 1 tape measure

The Fallout: Miniatures – Raiders – The Disciples miniatures set includes:

  • 1x sprue of 10 hard plastic multi-part the Disciples miniatures
  • 10x plastic bases

The Disciples, Operators, and The Pack Dice Sets, each of which includes:

  • 8x 10-sided play dice in faction colours with faction symbols
  • 4x 10-sided luck dice in faction colours with faction symbols

Whether you’re a Fallout fan or just looking for a fun new tabletop game, this one seems like it could be a great option. Don’t forget to check out the pre-order releases, and let us know if you plan on trying out the game.

Click Here to Check Out all the Releases!

Will you check out the new Fallout Factions game, and if so what faction are you planning on buying? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!