GW FAQs Nearly Every AoS Battletome & Core Rules

new-aos-3.0-faqThese new AoS FAQs are generally small but there is one for almost every battletome out there- check out what’s changing!

This is basically them updating the books to match up with the new General’s Handbook, so nothing too crazy. Actually, there are some wanted clarifications in there and one big change to the core rules. They also updated a decent amount for the Daughters of Khaine as it’s the newest book in there. The biggest change (really more of a clarification that’s been wanted for some time) to a single army comes in the way of the Kharadron Overlords, but we’ll take a look at that as well. 

Considering there are so many books getting changed, we’ll cover most of them, but you can download all of the new FAQs for AoS here. Let’s check it out!

GW FAQs Nearly Every AoS Battletome and Core Rules

Battletome FAQS


Battletome FAQS 2As you can see, plenty of changes ahead, but as we said, most are small to update the books to the new handbook. Here’s what Warhammer Community had to say about it:

Hot on the heels of these two updates – along with the free Pitched Battle profiles – come FAQs for various books and most factions across the game. These formalise the changes found in the most recent Battlescroll, including the new points updates for Hedonites of Slaanesh, changes to the battle traits of the Orruk Warclans, and more. 

Now, let’s jump into the two core changes.

Battletome FAQS 3This is the big change, as it really makes some changes to bounty hunters. This really hurts something like Fulminators who would get 3 Damage on the charge. With how this is worded, they (and other units with the same wording) will not be getting the extra +1 on the charge.

Battletome FAQS 4This is pretty small and just clarifies how you take spells, we feel most people played it like this already.

Kharadron Overlords Changes

Kharadron changes

Kharadron flying transports use the rules for garrisons, which were tweaked in the latest edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. The FAQ irons out those changes by confirming that units garrisoning an Arkanaut Frigate or Ironclad can still leave their airships in the movement phase – as long as that boat hasn’t already moved in that phase. 

What’s more, both the unit disembarking and the SKYVESSEL itself can then move normally – happy times for Arkanaut Admirals all over the Mortal Realms.

This has been waiting for clarification for a long time now. So it’s great to see GW finally commit to actual wording and how the vessels work!

Daughters of Khaine Changes

Daughters of Khaine changesFirst up, they added a clarification to Mirror Dance because it is possible for both models to not be swapped when one is surrounded in combat (or something similar) and the different base sizes make it impossible to swap the models. Next, a somewhat big change to how fighting on death works, as it can only be done by melee attacks, so a nerf for sure.

The third one is the biggest change as before the rule basically did nothing as it said after the 3rd they were negated and went to the Shadow Queen and could not be negated. Now, it probably works the way they originally intended and actually will work against things that bypassed the initial rule altogether.

Other than that, a bunch of armies grabbed very small changes, with things like Mortalis Terminexus having its range extended to 18″. However, if you see your army in the list above, go download the changes here.

Have you looked over the changes yet? Do you like the changes and clarifications from the new AoS FAQs? 

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