GW Has Erased Cursed City From Their Site: Gone For Good?

cursed-city-sold-outGW has literally removed Cursed City from their site after burning retailers and hobbyists alike with the release, but is it gone for good?

After repeatedly saying that Cursed City was part of the regular lineup, there’s been a sudden change with the removal of this box set from the Games Workshop web store.

As it turns out, to the surprise of everyone, Cursed City may have been a limited release after all – Let’s go over all the details.

If you missed the drama from last week on how they burned everyone with the allocations, we covered that here.

GW Has Erased Cursed City From Their Site: Gone For Good?

Just in case you missed it, here is Rob’s breakdown. There’s a ton in the box and there was some big hype for it as a product.

Multiple Sources Said Cursed City Was Here To Stay

Two quotes on Facebook from official Warhammer accounts have been cataloged and presented on Reddit to help put this confusing situation into perspective.

wh tv cursed cityFirst, Warhammer TV was spotted claiming that Cursed City would be permanent, very clearly stated, no miss-interpretation room here, very explicit.

aos facebook cursed cityThen the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Account also re-affirm that stance by saying it would be available just like Blackstone Fortress was. Which if they plan to add on to it, just like BSF that makes perfect sense, it’s hard to add more content to something that was only here for a limited release.

Cursed City Sold Out and Gone?

Post-sold-out online, @WarComTeam said the opposite. That it was gone for good from GW.

whc cursed city goneAlthough it had been said it was here to stay, WarhammerCommunity seems to think it’s gone for good. If you want a copy they encourage you to go to your LGS.

cursed city no resultsTo reinforce this, when you look it up on the store, there are no results instead of stating “sold out online” when something sells out that they plan to restock. The listing appears to be completely gone.

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Cursed City  

This has resulted in rising secondary market prices, as Cursed City is also the #1 release in model building kits on Amazon currently.

cursed city box artWith the recent realization that this might be a limited release after the fact, some retailers are jacking up the price on the secondary market. If your LGS has one, it is recommended you try to grab a copy quick, if you still want one and can’t, you may have to bite the bullet and pay a premium online from other retailers.

All of this seems so sudden with supposedly GW going back on their word, it’s not impossible there may be a re-release down the road, but don’t hold your breath…

As of this writing, there are still some left on Amazon (but chances are, not for long).

Check Cursed City Availability Now

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