If you’ve been waiting to buy the new Imperial Assassins, this deal may be a no-brainer! Come see GW’s latest gift for the hobby!
Execution force first hit the scene at the first of GW’s 2015 boxed games in April. Even back then it was a great deal.
Now it’s even better.
Because this weekend the clampack Imperial Assassins show up on store shelves for the “low” price of £19 apiece.
So let’s do some basic math here folks…
To buy all 4 Imperial Assassins a la carte will cost you £76
You can pick up:
Assassinorum: Execution Force for £75
and get all of this:
“A brand-new boxed game, Assassinorum: Execution Force gives four Imperial Assassins an incredibly important mission – slay Chaos Lord Drask before his dark ritual brings about the end of the Imperium itself! A fast-paced co-operative game for one to four players, it blends stealth, tactics, subtle forward-thinking and outright blazing violence into a fantastic, tense, action-packed experience that is accessible to board game players of any level.
Included in the box are four beautiful, exclusive Imperial Assassin miniatures – the Vindicare Assassin, armed with an Exitus Rifle and pistol, clad in a stealth suit; the Callidus Assassin, wielding a C’tan Phase sword, neural shredder and poison blades; the Eversor Assassin, with Executioner pistol and Neuro Gauntlet and the Culexus Assassin, with his psyk-out grenades. On top of these, you get fifteen Chaos Cultists, three Chaos Space Marines, a Chaos Familiar and a Chaos Space Marine Terminator Sorcerer. All of these can be deployed in games of Warhammer 40,000 – rules for the Assassins are included in White Dwarf 65.
On top of these incredible miniatures, there’s a set of detailed board tiles on heavy card stock, a deck of gorgeous Event Cards, counters for various events in different shapes, sizes and designs and included dice.”
So for those keeping score at home, that is:
- A full heavy cardstock boardgame
- Event Cards
- Dice
- 15 Chaos Cultists
- 3 Chaos Marines
- 1 Chaos Sorceror in Terminator armor
- 1 Familiar
For the low cost of –£1
I would act REALLY REALLY FAST if you want in on this new stock before it’s gone.
~You Buy Now?
Episode 26 – GW : The CEO’s New Groove