GW: New Points Limits & Objectives for 40k

By Rob Baer | July 4th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

horizontial of marine and chaos

The Throne of Skulls tournament, and tickets are on sale now. Checkout their new points limit and exciting “extra” secondary objectives that were announced.

Source Warhammer World

eternal war tournament 40k

3rd – 4th September

Warhammer World, Nottingham

Throne of Skulls is designed for everyone to come and play, be you a battle-worn veteran of a thousand wars, or a new recruit taking your first steps into the hobby.  The focus at our events is on camaraderie and enjoyment, and we give prizes out based on sportsmanship and hobby prowess. In fact, you could win the famous Throne of Skulls trophy without winning a single game over the weekend; it’s all about displaying a great attitude to your opponents.

In this fun weekend-long event, play five great games of Warhammer 40,000, meet new players and enjoy everything Warhammer World has to offer as you totally indulge yourself in your hobby for a couple of days. We will be using the Eternal War missions from Warhammer 40,000: The Rules for the first time at a Throne of Skulls, with a few added twists, letting you enjoy the classic games with a new outlook.

New Objectives for 40k:


For this weekend only, we’ve introduced some extra Secondary Objectives, which are all in use no matter which scenario is being played at the event (unless otherwise stated), to help you earn even more Victory Points!

Objective Alpha: In all missions except The Relic, place one additional central objective marker in the middle of the table (36” from the short edge and 24” from the long edge). This objective marker is worth 5 Victory Points to the player who controls it at the end of the game.

Tank Hunter: At the end of the game, if you have destroyed at least three vehicles, gain 1 Victory Point.

Monster Hunter: At the end of the game, if you have destroyed at least three monstrous creatures, gain 1 Victory Point.

Big Game: For every Lord of War or Gargantuan Creature you destroy, gain 2 Victory Points at the end of the game.

Fortress: If at the end of the game, if you control at least one building (treat it as a large objective), gain 1 Victory Point. (Multiple buildings controlled do not earn extra Victory Points)

overhead tables game

New Points Cost:

Number of games: 5

Army Size:1750 points army, all fully painted and based.

 Scenarios in use: Eternal War (with added Secondary Objectives)

Publications in use: All current Warhammer 40,000 publications from Games Workshop, including Black Library, Forge World, the Games Workshop website and White Dwarf.

Checkout the entire tournament packed here

So as we hear more and more chatter about a new “8th Edition” of 40k it’s always good to keep a look out for any little new rules that may be getting tried out for the first time. Eagle eyed players from just a few years ago may remember that the new version of 40k while mostly a comp tweak was for the most part based on 6th edition (which borrowed heavily from Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition, which in turn borrowed elements from LoTR’s War of the Ring).

The argument could be made that GW likes to try out rules on a smaller scale before bringing them to 40k, or borrow existing rules from sister rules sets that already exist.

Now as we’re seeing things like Age of Sigmar come onto the scene that incorporates a lot of “less clunky” mechanics and new organized play rules from Nottingham that may indicate where the developer’s minds are at currently when it comes to in game rules.

What new rules would YOU like to see come to Warhammer 40k?

Latest on 8th Edition 40k