GW New Releases Roadmap For July & Beyond

new-gw-releases-marchDon’t miss the latest GW new releases roadmap for 2021 with tons of minis for most of the major games that are on the way in July and beyond.

Love GW miniatures? Well the new release roadmap is back and more loaded than ever. And we mean loaded, there are a ton of minis on the way! Check out what is on the way before the Octarius preview this saturday!

GW New Releases Roadmap For July & Beyond

Table of Contents & Article Summary

First off if you missed the lastest few previews from GW, you may want to get caught up on those from our coverage below:

And now on to the new releases for 2021 and beyond!

2 Stormcast Kits Separate from Dominion Box


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Knight-Judicator with Gryph-hounds

Knight-Judicator with Gryph-houndsThese masterful archers of the Stormcast Eternals rain arrows on the battlefield. They can also direct the gaze of Sigmar himself to unleash his wrath.

The Stormcast have decent ranged options already, so it will be interesting to see what this archer-hound combo can bring to army lists.

Stormstrike Chariot

Stormstrike ChariotWreathed in celestial energy that blinds the foe, the Stormcast Eternals of the Angelos conclave employ swift Gryph-charger chariots as potent line breakers.

The chariot not only looks dope but actually hinted at potential bonuses to charge and maybe even debuffing enemies! We will just have to wait and see.

5 More New Stormcast Revealed


vanquishers video


video new character

Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos

Think that hammer looks impressive? Well, he can also call down thunderbolts from Azyr to obliterate his enemies.

GW’s hint at this model’s mechanics is interesting at the very least. Could it be a ranged attack? or perhaps a special ability or spell? We will just have to wait and see.

On top of some interesting potential rules, the model looks fantastic with plenty of room for hobbyists to flex some creative hobby muscles.


Knights-Relictor provide support with prayers to the God-King Sigmar, and they’re handy with a maul on the front line.

There isn’t much to go off for the Knights-Relictor, but another support piece is always welcome, especially with such an expansive roster that they have.


Vanquishers are clad in thunderstrike armour and are armed with devastating celestial greatswords that hit exceptionally hard.

These are kinda reminiscent of a Stormcast version of the old-school empire greatswords, which were dope AF, so that makes these pretty fresh as well!

They are a full squad too, meaning there is a full range of poses and a flag bearer/hornblower for more diversity. These will most likely hit harder than other basic options but might end up being a little easier to kill since they forgo a shield.


Judicators and Vanguard-Raptors are already excellent ranged specialists, but Sigmar heard the prayers of generals who want even more top-quality archers in their ranks and forged ranks of Vigilors to bolster the backline.

Stormcast does already have decent options considering range in AoS, but these might be unique in the sense that they have some decent melee as depicted in their poses, while other options are much more dedicated to range and no melee.

Multi Part Annihilators

We’ve already seen some of these incredible warriors in the Dominion boxed set, but this new kit features more options, including the two-handed meteoric grandhammers.


Not to mention, these new separate boxes will have different poses and appearance options, making it a much less restrictive and exciting kit to build and play in-game!

Kruleboyz Orruks Separate From The Box



Beast-skewer Killbow

Beast-skewer KillbowAnother, “more range than normal” Orruk is going to come via this giant ballista sometime after the full box release.

Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth

Breaka-boss on Mirebrute TroggothTwo bosses weren’t enough, so we will actually be getting a 3rd later who is riding atop a Troggoth! Maybe they will have synergies with the other Troggoth models too?

5 More New Kruleboyz Coming After Dominion


krule video


krule video 2

Swampboss Skumdrekk

First up is Swampboss Skumdrekk. He’s a legend among the Kruleboyz not only for his abilities as a mighty warrior but also for the fact that he’s been known to gamble on the outcome of battles.

This is a new monster/mount model which is always exciting, but the fact that a box is on top means he will also probably be a decent support and combat piece.

We’re not sure about you, but if we saw Skumdrekk and his terrifying Sludgeraker Beast, we know who we’d bet on.

Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast

The kit alternately makes a Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast if you want to give Skumdrekk a friend to ride into battle with.

While this is technically the same model, it is a new character in the form of a generic one, hopefully meaning he’ll be a little cheaper but still have much of the essence of what the model wants to accomplish.

Marshcrawla Sloggoth

That’s not the only giant beastie joining the ranks of the Orruk Warclans – there’s also the Marshcrawla Sloggoth for when your grots need to arrive in style.

If you’re facing one of these creatures, try to avoid getting grabbed by the grots’ long, sharp snatcha gear and watch out for the Sloggoth’s bothersome regenerative powers.

From the sounds of the GW description, it sounds like this will be a tanky unit that can potentially punish units and heal. Depending on how it works in-game, this could be a serious pain for your opponents!

Multi Part Gutrippaz

Forming the core of the Kruleboyz battlelines, the Gutrippaz have a new weapon option to go with their vicious stikkas.

These sadistic greenskins are well known to be spiteful and kunnin’, and they can overwhelm unsuspecting enemies through sheer weight of numbers

As the first of two Kruleboyz Dominion kits to be confirmed for separate box releases, these will get extra poses, bringing way more diversity in your army than wouldn’t be possible if you just spammed the Dominion box versions.

Multi Part Man-skewer Boltboyz

Alongside them are the Man-skewer Boltboyz with a new Boltboy Boss option.

BOGO-Scarlet--740x424-croppedBuy one get one Free! Choose from hundreds of minis now!

As the second Kruleboyz Dominion kits to be confirmed for separate box releases, these will get extra poses, bringing way more diversity in your army than wouldn’t be possible if you just spammed the Dominion box versions. Not to mention a new unique model for the sergeant to help him stand out even more,

RUMORS: New Plastic Horus Heresy Starter Set Pics Spotted!

What appear to be pictures of a new Plastic two-player Horus Heresy set featuring a Contemptor Dreadnought along with a Spartan Tank have surfaced on Reddit.

Horus Heresy Box 1


Horus Heresy Box 2


Horus Heresy Box 3


Horus Heresy Box 5


Horus Heresy Box 6Note that these are photos of images on a monitor which are probably legit “leaks”. (we say leaks in quotes because many hobbyists have their doubts that GW is not leaking images intentionally to follow up with cheeky announcements to build hype for their products).

And why wouldn’t they? It’s literally worth millions of dollars in sales for them to do so…

New Horus Heresy Imperial Fists Praetors Revealed!

New imperial fists Horus HeresyAvailable in either power armour or Tartaros Terminator armour, these new models look so good that even their staunchest foes, the Iron Warriors, can’t help but be impressed. Whether you’re building an army to defend Terra or a force to take the fight to Horus and his Traitors, these will fit perfectly into your Imperial Fists collection.

If you want to see just how well you can slay some Iron Warriors, these are the minis to do it with!


imperial fists Horus HeresyAs with all Legions, the Imperial Fists had numerous Praetors – the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders within the Space Marines ranks. Among the VII Legion, Praetors were second only to Dorn in their skill with a blade, their generalship, and their mastery of the siege. To make them stand out on the battlefield (or when marching up and down along the walls of the Imperial Palace), they wear the finest armour, covered in the Legion’s symbols and insignia.

It does say they will be coming soon but doesn’t give an exact date. With all the delays, coming soon has become a bit of a hard term to understand as of late for pretty much anything in life, unfortunately.

New Horus Heresy Argel Tal Mini Teased!

Argel TalArgel Tal was one of the Word Bearers Legionaries who went on a pilgrimage into the Eye of Terror. Like anyone who goes abroad on holiday, he refused to shut up about how much the trip had changed him when he got home. Unlike people who spend a week learning to cook Italian food, Argel Tal had been bonded with a daemon while traveling the immaterium. After his expedition, Argel Tal formed an unlikely bromance with the Captain of the World Eaters 8th Company, Khârn, as they fought in the Shadow Crusade together. 

Unfortunately, the Word Bearers’ Chaplain Erebus had his own plans for Khârn and got rather jealous of the burgeoning friendship. After much arching of fingers and dastardly scheming, he split Argel Tal and Khârn up before they got to take the road trip to Terra they had been planning.


More New 40k Orks & Beast Snaggas Revealed By GW!


Beast SnaggasThere will be 26 new minis along with the new codex, including 20 boyz, 3 riders, a Nob on Smasha Squig, Zodgrod Wortsnagga, a little bomb grot. They will all come in a limited release box that has early access to the codex. But again, they are going to sell out in seconds we imagine. The codex will be released on its own, but not for a little while after.

Squighog Boy

beast snagga orkWe’ll be finding out more about these boyz in the near future, so make sure you keep your eyes firmly trained on Warhammer Community and discover what you can do in the face of this new threat.

snagga ork

Their appreciation for ‘da old ways’, and their disregard for more complex Orky technology, leads many of the Snakebite clan to become Beast Snaggas, although their ilk can be found across the entire spectrum of Ork society.** Even a no-nonsense Goff can look at a squighog’s shockingly large teeth and figure out how best to apply them to some poor git’s face.

New Characters

Beast SnaggasThis is character is making a return after 20 years! He is a master of Grots everywhere and will have a special rule to upgrade one unit of them at the beginning of the game. This will give them better shooting and make them hit harder in CC. If you love Gretchin, this guy is a must-have.

Beast SnaggasThis mini is going to be bigger than a Terminator, “normal” Nobs, and most characters. Even the Ork on the back by himself is extra-sized, then you add the Squig height on top of that! This new unit will also have bonus effects when charging, but they didn’t say exactly what.

Beast SnaggasWhile not part of the Beast Snaggas, they finally made a mini for the Warboss in Mega Armour! It looks amazing and even has a little Grot shooting his gun for him.

New Army Box & Codex

Beast SnaggasAs we said before, this codex is going to be released after the box on its own. So if you want the rules as early as possible, you’ll have to buy the limited edition box (aka Sisters, and Lumineth Realm-lords). They said it will be a complete overhaul on par with what happened in the Drukhari codex.

Beast SnaggasThis box will come with every new mini for the Orks minus the new Warboss. Almost more importantly, it will give early access to the codex! We’ll say it one last time, this is going to be limited and we can only imagine how fast it will sell out.

New Beast Snagga 40k Orks Revealed by GW!

New Ork Snagga Boy 2A (relatively short) lifetime of hunting huge, dangerous beasts have made these Orks particularly large and strong in comparison with regular Boyz. While they’re not quite as durable as a Nob, they can certainly swing their choppas just as hard, which makes them especially prone to lording it over the Boyz they charge alongside.

It looks like they’ll be a little stronger than a normal boy, with the possibility of some more gear as well. With them being constantly enhanced by the Doks, who knows what little upgrades you can give them. Since they say more than once, they are less common, we’re guessing they’ll be a decent amount higher in points than a regular boy. We’ll have to wait for more for points and rules, but we’re excited to see them!

Beast Snagga 40k Ork Painboss

Ork dokKnown as the Painbosses, these enterprising surgeons transcend the simple genetic knowledge of the Painboyz and develop greater medical skills than many assume Orks are capable of. 

The mini is really sweet! Looks like the line will be pretty fleshed out, let’s just hope we’ll see more in the coming days. If you’re constantly handling big nasty beasts, it only makes sense you need someone to give you some sweet upgrades when your legs are ripped off… We’ll have to wait and see how fast these legs make them, but let’s hope it’s a decent speed buff for not too many points. They also mention the Klaw is lighter and smaller than the normal Power Klaw, so it will probably be cheaper but not as strong.

ork grotOf course, you need some Gretchins hanging around! This one looks awesome and we hope they get a big revamp as well.

GW Confirms New Ork Boyz 

New Ork Boyz

Speaking of rumours and legends, some of you with the eyes of skilled Tanith marksmen noted something unusual on the new Gaunt’s Ghosts box at the weekend. Are those new Ork Boyz pictures fighting the Cadian Shock Troops on the back of the box? Yes, they are! We’ll save you squinting at a grainy pic, here is one of da new Boyz in all their glory. First Beast Snaggas and now new Boyz – 2021 looks like the year to be green…

This is the new pic from GW. So now we have a blurry vision from the back of the Gaut’s Ghosts box and now one of the boyz models from the front!

They have a very similar feel to the old Orks (hooray), but do have some nice updates. This is the only pic they released, for now, so we’ll have to wait and see what the whole box will end up looking like.

They didn’t give much about the release date either, so we’ll have to wait for the next Orks preview for more. Now let’s check out the news about the Great White Squig and Morzog.

Morzog & The Great White Squig

MorzogKnown by many names before it came into the possession of its current rider, the Great White Squig is widely regarded as the most belligerent, vicious, and savage squigosaur to ever crawl from the spawning grounds. Utterly untameable and responsible for a breathtaking number of missing Boyz, it wasn’t until the squigosaur met its match in an equally stubborn Beast Snagga named Mozrog Skragbad that any hope of controlling the monster could be found.

Great White SquigNewly christened ‘Big Chompa’, the Great White Squig is only kept in line by the sheer ornery belligerence of its long-suffering master, routinely returning to its usual destructive ways the moment Mozrog takes his eyes off it. As such, the two are rarely seen apart, and so the continued legend of steed and rider grows to this day.

New 40k Ork Wurrboyz Psykers Revealed by GW!

WurrboyKnown as the Wurrboyz, these unsavory characters channel Waaagh! energy in its most primal, animalistic form, unleashing roiling storms of psychic energy through their foes that leave them as little more than shriveled husks, or worse…  

Looks like GW thought Orks needed more psychic support, and we’re excited about it! The model is pretty simple while still looking great with dynamic posing. They mention it will have more than one power, but only showed one so far. Still, it’s pretty interesting.

6 New Age of Sigmar 3.0 Battletomes: Rumors & Previews

kruleboyzBefore diving into the confirmed release, let’s cover some rumors about what battletomes might also be among the first releases for this new edition.


99120201079_MKMaggotkinOfNurgleBoxThe boys of Nurgle look to be receiving the first book, it’s been a little over 3 years (at the time of writing) since they received a battletome, so it feels about the right time for them to finally get an update.

We’ve also seen some Rumor Engines that hint toward some Nurgle-looking hints. So, if you play them, be on the lookout for an announcement soon.

Gloomspite Gitz

gloomspite gitz age of sigmar how to playAgain, this is about a 3-year-old book, with how much things have changed with AoS in that time, not to mention a new edition, they need a little bit of work. They are still performing okay but could use some reworks.

We’re not sure what new minis they will get, as their model line isn’t that old. Still, they will probably get a new champion or two, or at least a couple of reworks.


ogors reinforced batsLet’s just say we are hoping beyond hope this is true, and that basically, they get a rehaul on almost all of their minis! We don’t even care about the book so much, just the need for some new minis!

A large portion of their units is from before the change over to AoS, meaning they haven’t been touched in years and years. This could be a massive overhaul, or if GW doesn’t feel like it, maybe they just redo a unit or two. Let’s just hope that’s not the case!

Beasts of Chaos

beasts of chaosYou know an army needs a rework when the pictures on the site for multiple of their units are still on square bases. It’s like GW just didn’t even care enough to change them to the new format over the years.

So, yeah, they need a rework and new minis! Maybe they and Ogors can come in a new starter box together with all new minis! One can dream, but according to these rumors, we don’t have that long to wait until we know for sure

new sigmar dominion stomcasts

With the rumors out of the way, the actual 2 books announced are Orruks and Stormcast. With all the new minis they are receiving and being in the Dominion box, they will be grabbing the first two books. Now that it’s confirmed, let’s check out the details!

New Age of Sigmar 3.0 Battletomes Announced

aos 3.0 orruk and stormcastAs well as the warscrolls for the units in Dominion, these books contain sumptuous new artwork and lore that delves deeper than ever before into each faction. They also expand on the awesome Path to Glory narrative campaign rules from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book.

Both books include new subfaction rules, and best of all, every battletome in the new edition contains a code that lets you access its rules in the upcoming Warhammer Age of Sigmar app, which is due to head into beta later this year.

The confirmation of digital codes is huge! No longer will you have to pay for separate digital licenses, which if you use both or just like having the option, is a huge new boon.

On another hand, looking at the covers we can see a slight redesign as is normal for new editions, making it easy to spot a current or previous edition book simply by that very clear solid-red spine.

Rumors: 3 New Armies Planned for Age of Sigmar 3.0

aos 3.0 core book

Dawnbringer Crusade, Umbraneth, and Oathbreakers are rumored to be the upcoming three armies. We’ve seen some terrain for the Dawnbringers, and from the looks of it, they will be a soft rework for the Cities of Sigmar, and let’s be honest, they need it.

We’ve heard rumors for a long time now about Umbraneth, so we’ve been hoping to see their release for a while now. Lastly, the Oathbreakers will basically be Chaos Dwarves, which we are super excited about! It feels like they are a fan-favorite army and it would great to see them hit the tables once again.

Now, let’s break these down a little more.

Dawnbringer Crusade

New AoS Terrain 2The Dawnbringer Crusades defend their nascent homes until the surrounding areas are stabilised. An aqualith – typically imported from Ghyran at great cost – sits at the town’s centre cleansing corruption with its purifying water over a greater area every day.

New AoS TerrainThe new terrain was spotted on Warhammer Community and has really set up the new faction. With them even describing it as a new way for the Cities of Sigmar to bring land under the rule of Sigmar.

So, this new force will most likely be focused more on crusading than anything else. They didn’t really say much about the army, but with them already setting up the background and the terrain, we could see them coming fairly soon. According to the rumor, they will be in early 2022.


malerion walIt all started when they did a preview of Shadow, Iron, and Broken Realms and revealed this shadowy artwork. It reminded us of Malerion taking a new form. Some of you may have heard of the name “Malerion” aka Malekith aka the Witch King before from the world that was… We’ve also seen a little short story of him talking to Morathi and the fact that he is finally manifesting himself into the mortal realms.

Well, he needs an army to lead, so we expect them to be kind of like dark elves in a sense. We haven’t seen any minis, but this looks like GW has been setting them up for a long time now. If you want to read more about the initial time we thought they were coming, check that out here.

According to this new rumor though, these will be near the end of 2022. 

Oath Breakers

chaos-dwarfWhile it’s been a really long time since we’ve seen a full-scale release for them, we’ve seen minis released here and there for a long time now from Forge World- which have since disappeared.

Let’s be honest, this would just be a really cool rework of an army that never really got its day in the sun (well maybe they did about 10 years ago). With these being the last of the three mentioned, we’re not really sure when we would see them, but they are probably who we are most excited for!

They have some really cool old minis to style the new army on and with the sculpts GW has been putting out, they could look amazing! Unfortunately, according to the rumors, they won’t be hitting the game until 2023…

RUMORS New Bundle Box Sets Coming to Age of Sigmar

aos 3.0 core bookThe first box is said to be Gloomspite Gitz vs Beasts of Chaos. This box is going to be full of new minis, so be on the lookout!

Next up will be Start Collecting for Ogors, with Ossiarch Bonereapers getting the box after that. Slaves to Darkness are also getting some love in the way of an upgrade sprue (like the Cadian one) and brand new Chosen.

Lastly, we’re not sure about the box, but the upcoming Oath Breakers (Chaos Dwarves) will be kicking off the “Broken Realms” of the new edition, but that’s supposedly not coming until 2023.

Gloomspite Gitz vs Beasts of Chaos

gloomspite gitz age of sigmar how to playThis will be a dual army box, meaning if you play either side, you’ll be getting new stuff! The gobbo side of things will see a new Scuttleboss on Giant Spider. While the old mini isn’t too bad, it’s really nothing to write home about.

While that’s nice, Beasts of Chaos will be getting a whole host of new minis! They will be getting three new minis, Doombull, Bullgor, and Jabberslythe. All three of those kits really need a rework (not to mention everything they have). 

Start Collecting Ogors

ogors reinforced bats

According to the rumors, they will be getting a new box along with their upcoming new book. In that, they will grab a new plastic Slaughtermaster/Butcher. This is great because they’ve needed an update for a long time. Not sure if they will be grabbing other new minis or not, but at least they can look forward to one new one for sure. 

 Ossiarch Bonereapers

bone kings ossiarch bonereapers age of sigmarThey received some new stuff for Underworlds, so that’s usually a good precursor to new minis for AoS. This probably won’t happen for a while, but it looks like they will be getting a new hero on foot and Mortek Archers. So two new units is something you can’t complain about!

Slaves to Darkness

slaves to darkness chaosLast but not least, it looks like Chaos will receive some love. Maybe not as much as they need, but some. With  Chaos Warriors and Knights getting an upgrade sprue very similar to what they just did with Cadians. Luckily, they will also be getting brand new Chosen, which really need it because they don’t look very loved by the Chaos Gods right now. 

But remember, these are all rumors after all…

Grey Knights & Thousand Sons Codex 40k Books Revealed


Codex TeasersIt seems like two powerfully psychic forces are preparing to clash in an upcoming battle box. But the warp is fickle, and you’ll need to wait a little bit longer to find out exactly what’s going on here. 

Not sure if it will be a daemon release along with the Thousand Sons or not, but the preview did show a Tzaangor so there’s a chance it is. There’s also that is the Infernal Master, which will be a new unit in the codex. Either way, grabbing a new battle box for both these factions is going to be pretty sweet.

Codex TeasersOn the flip side of the box will be the Grey Knights, so get ready to slay some psykers and hopefully grab some new minis. They may only be getting one character, but it’s better than nothing.

Codex Teasers


CrowePardon? Castellan Crowe? We’ve never heard of this man in our lives, and we have it on good authority that there’s no such thing as a ‘Grey Knight’. Sit still, and we’ll send along one of our helpful Inquisitors to show you exactly where you were mistaken.

Looks like Crowe will be the new character for the Grey Knights coming in the box. Honestly, he’s needed an update for some time, so we’re excited to see him included.

A Storm is Coming

grey knights & thousand Sons revealedAs you’ll see in the Munitorum Field Manual MkII, the Thousand Sons are also getting a new HQ choice called an Infernal Master. Sounds ominous, right? We’ll have more on this mysterious new addition to the sons of Magnus nearer to their codex’s release, so keep a third eye out for them on Warhammer Community.

For now, you can download the updated point values for the Thousand Sons and Grey Knights using the button below. These points values cater for all the units from both of these factions, and they are designed to be used alongside their current codexes until their new books arrive.

A lot of GK and T Sons players took a look at the points and judging from comments they didn’t see many changes from the current ones, but if you want to see everything, you can download them here for yourself.

GW didn’t say anything else about the battle box yet but did mention a new character called the Infernal Master, so we expect this to be like the Ad Mech release with one new character for each faction.

2 New Exclusive GW Miniatures Announced for Tournament Series

new figures for gw eventsHolga Clovenhorn, Aspiring Champion of Chaos is going to be the model for the AoS side of things. It’s honestly a pretty cool mini, while the pose is static, the detail on the rest of it makes up for it. 

new figures for gw events 2Necron Lord Hasmoteph the Resplendent is going to fill the slot for 40k. Necrons have grabbed a lot of exclusives this year, so might as well pick up another one. The sculpt isn’t anything too special, but having exclusive minis is always a plus for any faction.

Exclusive GW Anniversary Miniatures For 2021:

Plus we even have two more miniatures coming in 2021 with the Store Anniversary models that were revealed in early January.

Both of these models will only be sold through Warhammer stores on their appointed anniversaries, but don’t worry about stock running out – if your store runs out, you can order the miniatures at the till and we’ll ship them right to the store for you to pick up.

Some hobbyists may see opening time disruptions due to the global situation, so your store’s celebration might be on a different day than it normally would. But don’t worry – everyone will still have their chance to get these celebratory models.

Necron anniversary mini

Kamoteph the Crooked is the new mini coming for the Necrons and 40k. He’s considered ancient even by Necron standards, he may not be fast but he sure is cunning! They also say that these will be basically unlimited stock. Even if they don’t have any in the store, as long as you order it in the first week, they’ll get you a mini, let’s hope that holds true.

AoS Anniversary mini

For AoS we’ll be getting a new Stormcast mini this year, Sylas Beastbane. If you ask us, the mini seems very appropriately named. He is armed with the new Questor Axe-hammer which allows him to strike an additional time against anyone he hits.

GW Reveals Exclusive New Minis for Warhammer+

Exclusive miniFirst up is the Vindicare Assassin, this looks like a 3D render, but that is only half right. While it is a prototype 3d print it’s an amazing diorama model for what hobbyists will get down the road. They basically have a year to nail it down. Still, this is honestly pretty sweet! Not sure what base size this will be on, but it will make a perfect centerpiece for you to really sink your teeth into and let your painting ambitions go crazy. This makes sense for a model as it can be used by so many factions, so any Imperial player can take advantage of it.

Exclusive mini 2An Orruk takes the spot for AoS. The mini looks pretty sweet, but the one thing that’s hard to tell is how big it is. They said the skull on the back is an Ogors and the skull in its hand is a Stormcast. So this is just going to be giant! The Choppa itself is probably bigger than some minis out there. Again though, you won’t get this mini until you are subscribed for a full 12 months.

assassins-bundle-featureGet All Four Assassins For The Price of One Now!

House of Shadows Delaque Gang

Delaque Gang


Delaque GangThe Nacht-Ghul are new Delaque Champions – assassins and saboteurs without peer. If you need someone ‘disappeared’ or want an enemy factory to stop producing inexplicably, this is who you should call.

The Nacht-Ghul are the Delaque version of assassins. They use stealth and can sneak up to the enemy before they know they are coming and cut them to pieces. The minis are an interesting take on the current models and a cool way to take the gang overall.

Delaque GangThey’re accompanied by the strange creatures known as Psychoteric Wyrms and Piscean Spektors – we’re not entirely sure what these things are, but we’re going to have a lot of fun finding out.

They didn’t give too many ideas in the way of rules for these, but they are wild-looking if nothing else. The Piscean Spektor is an alien harnessed by the gang and we can only imagine what it will do on the tabletop.

Delaque Gang


Delaque GangAt the other end of the experience scale are the Psy-Gheists – youngsters who have learned how to tap into their psychic power.

Do you want your soul sucked out through a giant snake vacuum? Good because neither do we! Seriously though these are two pretty cool-looking minis and the Psychomancer’s harness is a very interesting take on a battlesuit. If you’ve been a long-time lover of Delaque, this really takes the gang to a whole new level!

New Necromunda: Klovis the Redeemer & Deacon Malakev

Klovis the Redeemer 2If you think the giant eviscerator he’s carrying is his most dangerous weapon, you need to think again. That book he’s holding is the Liber Excruciatus, and it contains every method of torture the Redeemer has ever carried out. 

In the heat of battle, he’s been known to open it and read out some of the horrific things he’s done to scare off his foes.

Anyone who can wield an eviscerator one-handed is scary in his own right, then you add in the fact he can just make enemy fighters flee by reading out how he’s going to torture them, this becomes quite the frightening mini!

Against weak-minded enemies, this is going to be a seriously annoying ability. He’s not coming to the game by himself though, he has quite the sidekick!

Klovis the Redeemer 4If you’re wondering who writes down all of those disgusting acts, look no further than Klovis the Redeemer’s sidekick – Deacon Malakev. He’s always found scurrying around after his master, and we’ve got some pict grabs of him too.

Not sure how he will perform combat-wise, but having a model who can take all the range attacks from Klovis is pretty cool!

GW Finally Gave us a Plastic Thunderhawk (Sort of)

Space Marine ShipsThey couldn’t have the whole faction just be Thunderhawks! So of course you’ll be able to grab some Interceptors for the new Space Marine faction in the game!

Storm EaglesThe Storm Eagles will be fairly strong from the sound of it but not have nearly the maneuverability of the Eldar ships.

Thunderhawk AI


Thunderhawk AI


Thunderhawk AISo close yet so far away! Even if you don’t play it would be fun to have one of these painted up on your desk or shelf. It looks great, but if they can make it this scale, why not just bring it to 40k in plastic??? We want answers. They do mention it will be one of the highest cost and best ships in the game, so if you do play, this will be an easy pickup.

The Eldar Aircraft

Eldar Ships AIAs you might expect, the Aeldari aircraft are sleek machines as befits their speed and maneuverability. 

Eldar Ships AIBetween these and the dead Eldar on Lelith’s base, the faction is practically spoiled with new releases (sorry Eldar players, we had to do it…). They didn’t give much in the way of rules for these either, but we know they’ll be fast and probably outrange their Space Marine counterparts.

New Box Set

AI SetIt’s not just Thunderhawks that are inbound though, there’s a whole new Aeronautica Imperialis boxed set – Wrath of Angels. After Wings of Vengeance, featuring Orks and the Imperial Navy, and Skies of Fire, which introduced the T’au Air Caste, this set is all about Aeldari Craftworlds versus Space Marines.

If you’ve been looking to get into the game but weren’t a fan of the current factions, this is a good way to get into it.

In the meantime, what new releases do you think we’ll see from GW in 2021 that didn’t make this roadmap? What release are you most excited about?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!

About the Author: Andrew Schrank

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Andrew Schrank

Job Title: Miniatures & Warhammer Hobby Staff Writer

Socials: Facebook

About Andrew Schrank: Over the past 15 years, Andrew has played all the games, including tabletop and video games, and immersed himself in the associated lore. Andrew joined the Spikey Bits team in 2018 and covers the Warhammer hobby and tournament scene, along with the latest in tabletop miniatures, each week.

Aspiring diplomat, Lord of Fluff, and Master of Ice Hammer, He loves Star Wars, Chaos Undivided, and Gundam. During his free time, he hunts Platinum trophies on PS5 and reads international news. On weekends, Andrew plays commander and cEDH games, often with unique strategies that push the limits.

He believes each day presents a new opportunity to grow and be challenged.