RUMORS: Forge World Age of Sigmar Models Moving to Legends

forge-world-legends-thanks-aosIt’s starting to look like these Forge World Age of Sigmar models will get snapped into legends status just like 40k…

From all appearances, none of the AoS Forge World models are in the updated 2021 General’s Handbook for points, which tends to mirror what they did with the new edition of 40k for some (but not all) units.

However, GW did come out with the points for the remaining 40k units separately in their own book, but at last count, there probably isn’t a book worth of models available currently for AoS unfortunately.

RUMORS: Forge World Age of Sigmar Models Moving to Legends

forge world monsters of the mortal realms

Currently, there appears to just be around 23 items available for Age of Sigmar on Forge World- with two being alternate heads for Stormcast

They are all displayed on a single page of minis on the site, while it still seems like you can search for other models, in particular, it will take some work.

So, if you have any Forge World stuff for your army, you may be dealing with legend status once and for all!

It could just be that are just taking stuff off the points list and their site, so they can revamp it when the AoS 3.0 rules officially come out but that just seems like a strange way to go about it perhaps?

Forge World Age of SigmarThese are about all the minis left on the site, so does that mean they will be the only ones to survive the purge? Let’s hope not, but it could very well be. While this isn’t as big as the nearly 200 model purge that hit 40k, it still is annoying. We don’t really have much else confirming or denying which units will leave and which will stay. But, usually, when they take minis off the site, it’s never a good thing.

warhammer legends rules 40k

We expect to see a point update for all the units soon, and what is moving to legend. This is more just to prepare you for the possibility of some of your beloved minis going by the wayside.

So if they do, at least we all had some bit of warning!

Oh and also of note, casters beware- looks like the Balewind Vortex is absent from points changes as well…

Do you think we could see a similar purge to 40k? Are you worried about your favorite Age of Sigmar Forge World models moving to legends?

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