GW Previews 20+ New Shadespire Cards

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Warhammer TV just previewed over 20 of the upcoming cards in the new Magore’s Fiends and Fastriders expansions for Shadespire.

Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire will be seeing the release of the Magore’s Fiends and Fastriders expansion next week, and today Warhammer TV gave us a preview of some of the cards that will be coming with them.

Come see our favorites out of all the cards they just showcased:

Shadespire Almeric

All three of the characters that come with the Fastriders warband will have Boltstorm Pistol. That means all three will be starting the game with a range 3 attack, that does one damage. Almeric Eagle-eye can move 3 spaces, 1 Defense, and 4 Health. He becomes Inspired after he ends an action phase in enemy territory.

Shadespire Almeric Inspired

Inspire he will gain a Defense and his Charged Handaxe will now do 3 Damage instead of 2. Overall, Almeric Eagle-Eye looks like he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with, and with the other two characters both having Boltstorm Pistols this is going to make this warband deadly from the very start.

Shadespire Ghartok

Hartok Flayskull has can move 3 spaces, has 1 Defence, 4 Health, and becomes Inspired after one of his Attack actions succeed. His Goreaxe only has a reach of 1, but you get two dice to roll the hammer icon, and it does two damage. What makes him especially deadly is his Gorefist Reaction ability. If an Attack action that targets him fails he can attack the same fighter back with his Gorefist which also has a 1 space reach, 1 attack needing the sword icon, and it does 1 damage. This is definitely going to make your opponent think twice about charging in on him.

Shadespire Riptooth

We also got a preview of the Khorne puppy Riptooth. Riptooth is coming out with a 4 space movement value, 1 Defense, 4 health, and a Claws and Teeth attack that has 3 attacks needing swords, and does 2 damage. While you’re attacking with Claws and Teeth if you roll at least one critical symbol that attack action gains cleave.

But the only downside is you can’t equip Attack actions upgrades on him. Riptooth becomes Inspired after on his Attack actions succeeds.
Shadespire Riptooth Inspired

Inspired Riptooth is going to gain 1 to his Movement, Defense, and Damage on his Bloody Claws and Teeth. From the cards alone it looks like Riptooth means business, and you better not get in his way. The Blood God demands more blood and he’s going to make sure he gets what he wants.

In addition to these character cards, we also got a look at 26 cards for your decks that will be coming in these expansions. If you would like to see some of the cards for the Objective and Power decks then head on over to Spikey Bits Hobbies Facebook and check them out.

This preview from Warhammer TV really has us excited about the upcoming release of Magore’s Fiends and the Fastriders, and we can’t wait to find out more.

Make sure you’re checking back in with us for the latest updates leading up to the release of these two expansions.

What do you think about the latest preview? Are you planning on picking up either of these new warbands? Drop us a line in the comments below and let us know.

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