GW Previews AoS Idoneth Deepkin Rules

Idoneth Deepkin

Games Workshop just gave us our first preview of the upcoming Idoneth Deepkin, including a look at some of their rules from the Battletome. Come check out the latest straight from the source.

The new Idoneth Deepkin will be available for pre-order soon, and this week Games Workshop is giving us previews of what we’ll be seeing inside the covers of their Battletome. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about the new army to the Mortal Realms.

The Idoneth Deepkin were created by Teclis to act as successors to the aelven races of the world-that-was. While most aelves are passionate, sensitive and emotional, the Idoneth bear a deep spiritual trauma from their time within the belly of Slaanesh, and shunned Teclis’ teachings – causing him to try to kill them.

AoS Deepkin Art

The Idoneth Deepkin fled beneath the oceans of the Mortal Realms, drawn there by a deep ancestral link with Mathlann, the old aelven god of the seas. Once there, they made a horrifying discovery – the vast majority of their young were born with withering feeble souls. It appeared the race was on the brink of extinction until the sinister art of soul-theft was discovered – the Idoneth could extend their lives and grant new souls to their young by stealing those of other sentient creatures.

So it looks like Teclis created the Idoneth Deepkin to be his successors to the aelven races of the “world-that-was”. There’s more of a closer look at their background in their post, but we want to jump right on in and check out some of their rules.

The Idoneth Deepkin seem to disappear from the consciousness of their enemies almost instantly, which can make keeping track of them on the battlefield nightmarish for budding commanders. This is represented on the tabletop by Forgotten Nightmares, a rule that makes the Idoneth Deepkin terrifyingly resilient against ranged weapons.

AoS Deepkin Forgotten Nightmare

Forgotten Nightmares make it so missile weapons can only target units with this battle trait if they are the closest visible enemy unit. If they’re not, it’s time to find a new target.

The Idoneth Deepkins’ link to the sea is further represented by Tides of Death – a powerful new mechanic somewhere between the Maggotkin of Nurgle’s Cycle of Corruption and the Blood Rites of the Daughters of Khaine. Each battle round, your Idoneth Deepkin army will receive a different bonus rewarding a specific type of play – the strongest armies will be those with balanced forces capable of making the most use of every step.

AoS Deepkin Tides of Death

The Idoneth Deepkin are getting a revolving list of abilities called the Tides of Death that they will have access to, with abilities changing every battle round, and starting back over once you reach round 5. But, after looking at the table’s abilities, the Idoneth Deepkin are already looking extremely deadly. Once you reach round 4 you’ll be able to retreat and still shoot or charge in the same time, allowing you to get your remaining units where you want them without penalty.

So from the looks of the first preview, it seems like the Idoneth Deepkin won’t be worried about fighting earlier than the third round. Mainly getting into position for the first two rounds, and then crushing as many enemy units as they can in the third round, right before they retreat in the fourth. This seems like it’s going to be a really solid strategy, but it’s also going to make it so your opponent knows exactly what’s coming their way, and in what round.

Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow when Games Workshop gives us a closer look at the Namarti. We can’t wait to see what they reveal next!

What do you think about the latest Idoneth Deepkin preview? Are you looking forward to the release of this new army? Drop us a line in the comments below and let us know.

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