GW Previews More Daughters of Khaine Rules

By James Rodriguez | February 26th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Warhammer Witch Aelves daughers of khaine

More previews of the upcoming Daughters of Khaine battletome are here. Come check out the latest rules preview for Age of Sigmar.

The new Daughters of Khaine battletome is on its way, and this week Games Workshop is giving us previews of what we’ll be seeing inside the covers. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about the Daughters of Khaine and some of their new rules.

Warhammer Witch Aelves daughers of khaine

Every Daughters of Khaine army will want at least a couple of units of these warriors – they’re fast, they’re deadly and they’ve been adjusted to be even more useful on the tabletop.

For one, you can now arm your Witch Aelves with Bladed Bucklers in order to increase their durability and deliver mortal wounds to those who’d dare attack you. If you’re more offensively minded, you can arm your Sisters of Slaughter with offhand daggers to further increase their damage output. Both units can now run and charge – combined with their solid natural movement and Blood Rites’ ability, to let them re-roll 1s when they run, you’ll be able to close in on the foe rapidly and start the bloodletting.

AoS Khaine Hornblower

Hornblower is an ability that shows just how much motivation this one model can provide. Any unit that has a Hornblower in it can run and charge in the same turn. This is going to make the Daughters of Khaine a really fast army.

…the Death Hag has been split into two unit entries: the Slaughter Queen and the Hag Queen. The former represents a more elite unit of the covens armed with a Deathsword and able to unbind spells with the Pact of Blood ability, while the latter is an invaluable lieutenant who can enhance nearby units with a draught of Witchbrew.

AoS Khaine PactBlood

Pact of Blood is going to allow the Slaughter Queen to attempt to unbind one spell in your opponent’s hero phase as if it were a Wizard.

All in all this preview is making the Daughters of Khaine look extremely intimidating on the tabletop. The Hornblowers are going to make them extremely fast moving, while the Slaughter Queen is getting a nice ability to help make sure your opponent isn’t buffed when you get in range to attack.

What do you think about the latest preview for the Daughters of Khaine? Are you planning on playing this army?

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