GW Previews New AoS, Shadespire & More

By Drago | January 26th, 2018 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Las Vegas Open, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Games Workshop’s Studio Preview from LVO revealed some great things coming this year for Age of Sigmar. Take a look at whats on the way for the Mortal Realms in 2018!

Be sure to check out Warhammer Community for more information regarding the LVO Studio Preview!, and our breakdown of all the new 40k goodies that are on the way for 2018 as well.

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Coming Soon for AoS

In the Mortal Realms, the portents were correct, and the Daughters of Khaine have emerged…Aelves with attitude!

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The Daughters of Khaine are an army of religious fanatics, combining the cruelty for which their predecessors in the World-That-Was were known with unbreakable faith in Khaine and their queen, Morathi.

Malign Portents was addressed for AoS, as a global campaign that consists of 3 Chapters over the course of 6 Weeks.

The Dread Solstice Campaign is a branching narrative, where the games you play and models you paint can be used to decide where the story goes next. Imagine a huge, collaborative ‘choose your own adventure’ story and you’ll have the basic idea of how it works.

In Dread Solstice, every choice has consequences, not just in terms of new rules or the ongoing story of the campaign, but for the Mortal Realms as a whole. Just as the Seeds of Hope from 2017’s Season of War campaign have transformed into an important part of the story of the Age of Sigmar, so too will the decisions you make in this campaign influence the future of the Mortal Realms for years to come.

Errata & FAQ

Just like 40k, Age of Sigmar is getting a more predictable set of updates for the game starting in 2018.


Firstly, every battletome will receive an errata document two weeks after release, dealing with any ambiguities that emerge and helping to make sure that your games run as smoothly as possible. Subsequent to this, bigger rules changes will be handled through more encompassing FAQ documents released every January and July, each in time for the upcoming tournament season.

Finally, each year will see a new General’s Handbook for you to enjoy, packed with content – including new ways to play, allegiance abilities for factions which lack them, battleplans and matched play points profiles. In short, you’ll be able to benefit from regular, consistent updates to the game you love without having to worry about sudden major changes.

Warhammer: Underworlds Shadespire

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The Chosen Axes are Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire’s latest warband, bringing with them new fighters, new tactics to master and loads of new cards that every warband will be able to make use of. Fyreslayers may be slow, but they’re monstrously powerful in close combat – and Sigmar help you if you let them capture an objective.

The warband Fyreslayers: The Chosen Axes got some awesome looking models. These models will also have warscrolls available to use in AoS games to boot. We saw the previews for these and the new Skaven recently from what appears to be a magazine ad, and have confirmed pricing on them as well


What do you think of all the new models and the future direction of Age of Sigmar for this preview?

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