GW Previews Primaris Deathwatch Pics & More

deathwatch aggressors

Deathwatch and Primaris are a hot topic these days. GW just previewed a few builds that you can use to upgrade your Deathwatch with Primaris and pics of their new models.

Fresh off the heels of the Deathwatch preview yesterday GW gave us a new look at a few ways to incorporate some hard-hitting Primaris action into your kill teams, and some of their new models on the primaris side of things:

deathwatch primaris models

deathwatch primaris models deathwatch primaris models

Here are a few ways to incorporate some Deathwatch kill team builds into your current army that GW featured in their big reveal today.

Close Assault Specialists

6x Intercessors with bolt rifles
1x Inceptor with assault bolters
2x Aggressors with flamestorm gauntlets
1x Reivers with bolt carbine

Reivers DW

This build is a hard-hitting up close and personal force that focuses more on getting face to face and laying down some punishing firepower.


5x Intercessors with 4x stalker bolt rifles and 1x grenade launcher
4x Hellblasters with heavy plasma incinerators
1x Aggressor with auto boltstorm gauntlets and fragstorm grenade launcher

Hellblasters DW

This build is on the other side of the spectrum focusing more on hanging back, grabbing objectives and punishing your opponent from a distance while progressively earning you the win.

Assault Firebase

5x Intercessors with auto bolt rifles
3x Hellblasters with assault plasma incinerators
1x Aggressor with flamestorm gauntlets
1 x Inceptor with two plasma exterminators

Agressors DW

Last but not least we have a solid mid-range build. With the Aggressors making your opponent think twice about coming to close while the Inceptors allow you to retreat and deal damage if assaulted.

These are a few solid ways to incorporate some new Deathwatch into your 40k game, and all will benefit from their new mission tactics ability that was revealed yesterday:

The Mission Tactics ability allows the Deathwatch to adjust their fighting style dependent on your opponent. At the start of the game, you’ll get to pick a Mission Tactic which corresponds to a Battlefield Role – Troops, Fast Attack, Elites, etc. – and your entire army will gain re-rolls of 1s to wound against that unit. Like Chapter Tactics, Mission Tactics applies to all your infantry, Bikers and Dreadnoughts, so you’ll be able to take advantage of a wide range of units.

Deathwatch Mission Tactics

Look for codex Deathwatch to make a splash soon with awesome new minis and tactics! What else would you like to see from the Deathwatch in their new codex?

next 3 codex books

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