GW Quietly Rebrands Forge World Products Again

forge-world-logo-banner-games-workshop-warhammer-40kIt looks like GW is rebranding Forge World resin products to go along with the new edition, starting with the Horus Heresy Imperial Fists upgrades.

We saw rumors for this upgrade pack (along with many of the other legions). However, it does not look like they will be plastic. So, if you were hoping for all new plastic, it looks like we won’t be getting everything in plastic after all…

Warhammer Community unveiled the new bits, but we’ll also take a look at the release rumors and see when more kits might be coming out.

GW Quietly Rebrands Forge World Products Again: Horus Heresy Imperial Fists Upgrades

Imperial Fists Upgrades

You can provide your own sartorial flair to the VII Legion with this upgrade set containing 11 detailed resin helmets, each one positively festooned with noble foliage. There are three sets each of three different knightly designs, plus one helmet with a transverse crest for your Praetors and Sergeants, and one square-jawed feller with a bare head.

The heads themselves are pretty cool, but the most interesting part is that they are in resin, and the branding is radically different from current resin products. Not only in terms of packaging but also the fact that they are calling these bespoke resin pieces.

So, it looks like HH will keep some of its resin roots. However, it looks like these will be for sale from Games Workshop and not Forge World per ce.


Imperial Fists Upgrades 2

Parade your loyalty to Rogal Dorn and the Emperor with this set of 10 sculpted resin Imperial Fists pauldrons. There are five designs, each with different configurations on indents on the rims, but they all proudly display the clenched, armoured fist of the Legion to strike fear into the craven hearts of the Traitor Legions. 

They say these will be on pre-order soon, but not exactly when.

Sons of Horus Resin Bits

Sons of Horus bits

This set of 11 detailed resin heads adds some malignant variety to your MKVI Legion Tactical Squads. There are three sets of three different designs, plus a bare-headed option criss-crossed with battle scars, and a magnificent helmet with a traditional top-knot fit for a Praetor.

Similar to the Imperial fists ones, these will be in resin but are pretty cool considering the starter sets and main sets will not have any type of legion-allegiance.

Sons of Horus bits 2

Originally known as the Eye of Terra, this ominous symbol once represented the watchful gaze of the Emperor himself. Now this eye belongs to the Warmaster, and it’s watchful in a rather less comforting way.

Both sets will be up for pre-order soon, alongside their Imperial Fists counterparts. Further sets of heads and shoulder pads will be released for each of the Legions in good time. 

Hopefully, they hit pre-order soon, but these won’t be all we see. They also mention that the rest of the upgrade kits will be on the way. With that in mind, let’s check out the release rumors that these are making look pretty legit.

RUMORS: Horus Heresy Releases June-September with Prices

Horus Heresy Art Wal HorAccording to Faeit, these are the new Horus Heresy releases that we will see this summer! Keep in mind these prices seem a little low compared to some of their 40k equivalents. If you want to see all the rumored releases, you can check that out here.

Releases for June:
  • “Heta-Gladius” Launch Box: – £240
  • Rulebook – £43
  • Three Codex like compilation Books – £32.50 each: Loyalists, Traitors, Other Age of Darkness Armies – Loyalists and Traitors
Releases for July:
  • Three different Starter Sets – £180 /£100 / £40 each
  • Space Marine Legionary + Paints Sets (A + B) – £23 each  featuring 3 Space Marines and 7 paints
  • Getting Started with Horus Heresy Magazine – £10 Includes 2 Space Marine Legionaries
Releases for August:
  • Space Marine Legion Tactical Squad – £36
  • 10 Models multipart in the same fashion as the Chaos Space Marines
  • Common weapon options
  • Deimos Pattern Rhino – £31
  • Space Marine Legion Praetor – £22  Not the same Model that was already shown
Releases for September:
  • Deimos Pattern Predator – £39
  • Upgrade Sprue Sons of Horus – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue Imperial Fists – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue Blood Angels – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue Emperors Children – £9.50
  • Upgrade Sprue White Scras – £9.50
  • Upgrade Spue World Eaters – £9.50
Releases without date:
  • Deimos Pattern Vindicator – £39
  • Kratos Battle Tank – £52.50
  • Land Raider – £52.50
  • Land Raider Spartan – £60
  • Contemptor Dreadnought – £35
  • Space Marine Tactical Squad + Rhino – £57
  • Deimos Pattern Rhino Suqadron – £87
  • Deimos Pattern Predator Squadron – £107

From the looks of it, there may be a pretty aggressive four-month path to market for the new edition of Horus Heresy starting in June of 2022. However, the dates could be slightly off as these rumors are slightly old.

Still, if they go through with all these boxes and a slight rebranding of Forge World, it will be quite the schedule indeed!

This raises a few questions, how much else will stay resin, and is GW’s branding for Forge World onto their webstore and brick and mortar stores going to work?

Perhaps most importantly, will these new bits be Forge World resin at all, or something completely new like SioCast?

What do you think about GW quietly rebranding Forge World products again? Do you like that they are keeping some resin parts in the game?

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