GW Releasing AoS 3.0 Battletome Updates in White Dwarf

Age-of-sigmar-sons-of-behemat-title-wal-horThe Sons of Behemat will be the first army where GW releases the AoS 3.0 Battletome update in a White Dwarf, which is pretty interesting.

Honestly, this is a decent way to update armies because it can take years for every army to get a book in the new edition. This is a pretty cheap middle ground to updating the armies. Especially when you consider Sons of Behemat grabbed their book not very long ago.

Warhammer Community announced this for Sons of Behemat, but we expect to see this moving forward. While they could easily just give the updates out for free, this is better than spending a bunch on a battletome update.

GW Releasing AoS 3.0 Battletome Update in White Dwarf

White DwarfThese new rules are official updates that can be used alongside your battletomes. And they bring a range of flavourful ways to use your army, whether you like open, narrative, or matched play. All-new battle tactics and grand strategies mean that your Mega-Gargants now have even more ways to earn victory points by doing the things they love the most – punting objectives and hurling little men, women, skaven, and even daemons around. 

We think this is a decent way to handle the situation because if not, some armies will get really left in the dust. Especially considering, from the article at least, that there will be a lot of rules inside. So this may be a way for the power creep to not go too crazy.

sons of behemat gatebreakerIn this battletome update, you’ll also find two faction-specific core battalions that give you novel ways to build armies. Ever wanted to mount a surprise charge with a unit of Mancrushers? Check out the Footsloggas core battalion, which makes your gargants super swift. What about giving two Mega-Gargants artefacts? Well, now you can do just that with Bosses of the Stomp.

With two new faction-specific battalions, you’ll have more room than ever to build your armies. Overall, just an interesting way to deal with a new edition.

Do you like this way of going about the rules? 

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