GW Reveals Yet Another Holiday Exclusive Mini…

warhammer exclusives wal new releases pre orderWe thought the Red Gobbo was the GW holiday exclusive mini this year, but it looks like another green challenger is on the way.

We’re not sure how many holiday exclusives we need of Orks and Goblins, but either way, GW is releasing another one!

So if you’re on the greentide train, then it’s a great holiday for you. The new Bawla & Burk model will be available from December 26th – January 2nd in local Warhammer stores. If you can’t get to a Warhammer store, you can then MTO these from the 3rd of January to the 9th of January. 

First up is a look at Da Red Gobbo & Bounca that many assumed was this year’s Holiday miniature.

Da Red Gobbo & Bounca

Da Red Gobbo and Bounca

Santa Claus he is not. Astride his loyal squig Bounca, da Red Gobbo dispenses presents to all the good little grots, and his model is packed with joyous details. Baubles and ornaments hang from the squig’s antlers and litter the ground underfoot, while the Gobbo’s trusty sidearm is slung in a holster across his back.

This miniature will only be available until 8am GMT on Friday 31st of December 2021.

This product is Made to Order and will be delivered in 180 working days.

Nothing is more jolly and in the Christmas spirit than a Red Gobbo and his candy-cane theme stick of dynamite, or at least so we’re told.

Warhammer Community unveiled the new mini and all the release dates, and here is the latest:

Bawla & Burk: Another GW Holiday Exclusive Mini for 2021


The mini is pretty cool but nothing too crazy and not nearly as festive as the Red Gobbo (they even did a coin for him)! Still, if you play Orruks, hard to complain about new minis. With this being MTO, we hope it will cut down on the scalpers, but if you want it, don’t wait too long we suppose.

Holiday exclusive mini

While Bawla merrily hacks his way through skaven armies, Burk keeps the rat swarms out of his way. In fact, this grot is so cunning, we doubt that rat will ever catch him! 

As always, and yes we mean always, the goblin is way better than the giant green guy standing above him.

Holiday exclusive mini 2

In games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, you can use the deadly duo as a characterful leader for a unit of Orruk Brutes. Alternatively, the diorama is a great painting challenge, or perhaps you’ll use it as inspiration for next year’s Armies on Parade – we’d love to see a board of Skaven-hunting Orruks!

As with most of the exclusive minis, they don’t get their own rules but make for great character models. Look for the exclusive Bawla & Burk to hit pre-order soon.

24 Exclusive Warhammer Miniatures That Are Must-Haves

Will you be picking this up? Are you happy that the holiday season is here?

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