GW Reveals Large Kruleboyz Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork

Kruleboyz GobsprakkThe big boss of the Kruleboyz has been revealed, the newest addition, Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork is one powerful shaman- check it out!

Warhammer Community just unveiled the newest mini to the Kruleboyz line! If you like Orruks riding giant beasts, well, this is right up your alley. Gobsprakk is a powerful shaman who rides into battle on  Corpse-rippa Vulcha, Killabeak. He might be the most powerful character out of all the Kruleboyz, so we expect the rules to be crazy. Let’s get into this wild new mini.

New Kruleboyz Gobsprakk, the Mouth of Mork Revealed!

Kruleboyz Gobsprakk 2On the battlefield, Killabeak tears through enemy ranks with beak and claw,* while the Mouth of Mork wreaks arcane destruction. So great is Gobsprakk’s magical might that the crotchety shaman has bested many sorcerers in the past, including a great Lord of Change. Look closely, and you can see the daemon’s hand atop Gobsprakk’s staff – it’s bound to the material plane by the shaman’s iron-willed desire to show it off.

If he can beat a Lord of Change, we expect his arcane prowess to be insane! Plus the mini is just pretty awesome all around that looks like it will be quite giant and tower over the tabletop.

Kruleboyz Gobsprakk 3Thanks to his experience hunting down powerful wizards for his trophy rack (he’s certainly giving Yndrasta some competition for the grisliest collection). Gobsprakk has developed a particular knack for countering the enemy’s magics. 

When you get close to the details, this is really cool. While some people don’t like the new aesthetic, this one is pretty cool.


Kruleboyz Gobsprakk 4The shaman likes to summon swarms of minuscule tapewyrm squigs in the guts of his opponents. Disrupting their spellcasting and sometimes even causing them to explode in an eruption of Waaagh! energy. 

This is really dangerous for enemy spellcasters! If you cast a spell when he’s on the table, be careful or you might explode.

Alternate Version of the Kit

Kruleboyz Gobsprakk 5For those whose ears are not open to the whisperings of the Mouth of Mork, this incredible new kit also makes a Killaboss on Corpse-rippa Vulcha – the perfect combination of strength and cunning to lead your boyz into battle.

It’s always cool to get two versions from one kit. So if you don’t want the named character, you can just make a character on top of the mount instead.

Do you like the new mini? Will you be getting this when it comes out?

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