GW Reveals More Sons of Behemat Gargant Rules

sons-of-behemat-rulesEven more Sons of Behemat Gargant rules are here including the stat lines for all the Mega-Gargants and a few named characters as well!

Warhammer Community teased a whole bunch of rules tody for the unnamed Gargants, some variant rules, a few named characters, and a bunch of fun special attacks. We’ll be going over all the rules they released there as well as some of the Facebook rules they teased earlier.

The Battletome goes on pre-order this Saturday so it won’t be too long before we get all the rules, but for now, let’s jump into the rules we know about!

If you’re interested in the pricing for this release, we covered that in this post here.

GW Reveals More Sons of Behemat Gargant Rules

Gargant WoundsThese stats are for every Gargant variant and they all have tons of wounds! If you consider Archaon only has 20 wounds, they get another 15 on top of that!

Not Dying Gargant RulesIt’s nice they can’t be instantly slain. We can only imagine just how salty their players would be to see a Gargant die to one spell or attack…

Gargnt Falling RulesLove to see it! The Gargants can fall and crush minis once again. While it’s not as cool as the old fallen giant marker, it’s something. That’s it so far for the overall Gargant rules. All the stuff coming next is for the individual variants.

Also just to note, if you’re allying the Gargants, the named variants can only be taken for certain armies. We’re including who they go with, but just be careful when building them to make sure they are the right ones!

Kraken-eater Mega Gargant Rules

Kraken EaterThis variant is the most territorial and hates when people look at his stuff.  Let’s check him out.

Kraken-eater Mega Gargant RulesIt’s always fun to hurl debris at the enemy before you rampage into combat! The warclub looks like it can inflict some serious damage and with so many wounds you can get tons of damage in, even when hurt.

Kraken-eater Mega Gargant Rules 2The take on the old rule for stuffing them in your pants. This is pretty cool but the name isn’t nearly as cool as the old giant one. You can also snipe off some characters with this if you get them on low wounds first.

Bundo Whalebiter Kraken-eater Rules

bundo whalebiter rulesFor Bundo Whalebiter, he’s had a rule revealed showing how he’s unique over other Kraken-eater Gargants. Dead Cunning, For a Gargant is a way for him to get max damage on his attacks, at the cost of fighting last.

This ability is powerful in the right circumstance. Obviously, you’d want to fight first if you’re going against something like a Mangler Squig that’s about to tear you a new one. However, if your opponent is just trying to tarpit you with some Clanrats or something that has high model count but horrible damage output, you can fight last. That way when your turn does come around to fight, you’ll swat away whatever is at your feet.

Warstomper Mega-Gargant Rules

Warstomper Mega-Gargant RulesThis Gargant fights simply for the love of battle. When he gets going, not much is going to stop him!

Warstomper Mega-Gargant Rules 2This guy doesn’t have a ranged attack but he more than makes up for it with his special rules and combat prowess. This variant is perfect for tearing through hordes of little guys with his Jump Up and Down attack and hurling the enemy!

Warstomper Mega-Gargant Rules 3Amazing for when you’re getting bogged down in combat with a bunch of small models. When combined with his Jump Up and Down attack you can tear through a bunch of units quickly.

Warstomper Mega-Gargant Rules 4Even more rules to smash through all kinds of minis at once. If you’re surrounded you can get all kinds of attacks. Let’s check out the named Gargant for this variant.

One-Eyed Grunnock Warstomper Rules

sons of behemat one-eyed grunnockFor the Warstomper, it looks like the named version (One-Eyed Grunnock) is going to be for Chaos only.

Chaos forces can recruit Warstomper Mega-Gargants to their cause, taking advantage of both their massive strength and the Shake the Earth ability! 

As far as the rule, Shake The Earth goes, it’s a great way to disrupt your enemy’s forces. The Warstomper is probably best used as a wrecking ball unit that you throw into the area of the map with the most congestion. If he gets to make his Jump Up and Down attacks, he rerolls hits of 1 and also gives every enemy around him -1 to hi within 6″. That can potentially be a brutal NERF. Plus, the fact that it only affects enemy units is a major plus.

Gatebreaker Mega-Gargant

Gatebreaker Mega-GargantThese Gargants are driven by nothing more than the want to destroy civilization. Needless to say, they are perfect for destroying large things and terrain.

Gatebreaker Mega-Gargant RulesIf you aren’t scared of a weapon named the Fortcrusha, maybe nothing will scare you! If you can get this into combat with full wounds it has tons of attacks.

Gatebreaker Mega-Gargant Rules 2This is a crazy way to interact with the board. Especially when you consider the smash down roll is a 2+ when it has only suffered under 12 wounds. Also, don’t be in cover when you fight this guy, it won’t help much…

Big Drogg Fort-Kicka Gargant Rules

sons of behemat big drogg fort kickaSo this guy is called a Gatebreaker Gargant, so what would you expect his rules to be? Some kind of cool smash attack that wrecks buildings? No. His special rule is Grievous Halitosis which is literally “Terrible Breath”. 

This is another model that you’ll want to throw into a crowd of tarpit models. Something like Clanrats, Plaguebearers, Stabbas, etc. Once you pick a unit within 3″, you also count every model in that unit within 3″ of this model’s base. Then you roll a D6 for each one and on a 6+, you do a mortal wound.

Rolling it out, if there are 15 models within 3″, which is reasonable for a horde unit trying to gob up a Gargant, you’ll roll 15 D6. We rolled this out three separate times and in each instance, we did 1MW, 2MW, and 4MW. The damage just doesn’t seem to be there to cause any game-shifting effects.

This CAN be very strong if your opponent is dumb enough to fully wrap the model in something like 40 Grots. But in reality, this is probably the weakest of the Gargant rules we’ve seen. We’re not saying this guy is going to be bad because we’ve literally just seen one rule for the dude. He could have a bonkers statline. But this rule just seems a little gimmicky. Although the name is super flavorful.

That does it for the Mega-Gargants, but next, we’ll check out the rules for the Mancrushers.

Mancrusher Gargants

Mancrusher GargantsWhile not quite as giant as the Mega-Gargnts these still tower over everything else on the battlefield.

Mancrusher Gargants rulesThese big boys only have 12 wounds but that’s still not terrible. Just when you compare anything to 35 it seems small. They also have a worse save and less movement, but that’s all expected. They still look like they can pump out the damage and can round out your army with some “cheaper” units.

Mancrusher Gargants rules 2When these charge into combat they get some additional damage off. You also get to pick the model that takes the mortal wounds so you may be able to sneak some wounds in on a character when your opponent is not expecting it.

Mancrusher Gargants rules 3Nobody likes a loaf just standing around! If these are close to your general they get a little extra motivation and start chucking rocks so it looks like they’re working. Just a fun little rule to give them some more power when near the General.

What do you think about all the rules released so far? Are they worth the price tag? Will you be running a full army or just allying one of them?

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