GW Reveals New AoS Ogor & Beastclaw Riders Rules

ogor wal

Ogor Mawtribes are coming in hot along with the Ossiarch Bonereapers, Lumping all Ogors together in a single book, here’s what we have to look forward to.

Following right behind the Ossiarch Bonereapers big rules reveal, the Ogor Mawtribes have also been brought up to speed. Check out the latest from Warhammer Community. 

Ogors Faction Rules Revealed

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Even the average Ogor is a mountain of a monstrous man and has a gut that can almost never be satisfied. To bring their hunger and size to in-game rules on the table, they’ve got:

mawtribe might makes right

Although this army is more “elite” than others, they still know how to take ground. Each Ogor model counts as two models instead of 1 and Ogor Monsters count as 10. This will be a huge help when fighting against other horde factions like Gitz.

mawtribe ravenous brutes

For their appetite, they get +2″ of movement when they are near an enemy unit (to simulate them chasing down their next meal). As for when they’re in melee, they start eating right away and want to stick around wherever the food is. They get +2 bravery!

Mawpot Terrain Piece Heals Units


mawtribe mawpot battlebroth

You can use the rations in the Mawpot to bolster your units with D3 wounds to each unit within a whopping 36″ aura. Once you eat all of the battlebroth, the pot is empty. We’re not sure if this can be refilled (maybe after you kill enough enemy units) or not. However, it’s definitely an explosive rule.

Gnoblar Scraplaunchers Warscroll Reworked

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The Warscroll has a minimum and max range now instead of the flat 33″ range as before. Plus it’s getting three attacks instead of the old single attack. That’s a potential 3D3 damage from over 30″ away.

Monsters Rawr!

grasp of the everwinter

Looks like the Beastclaws are getting a tweak to the Everwinter, and how they throw their weight around in combat now.trampling charge

Perhaps this is the new rule for Mournfangs, and behemoths instead of the old 4+ within 1″ rules.

earth shattering charge

This seems good if the current hooves attacks stay at -1 one damage base.

Seems like Ogors are looking good so far as GW has reunited the gutbusters, grots, butchers, and beastclaws into the one kingdom again!

Traits For Classic Ogor Characters Revealed

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traits have been revealed on Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s Facebook page. Going through some of the classic Heroes of the Ogors, the Beastclaw Raiders’ Nomadic Raider rule will proc (more than likely) on turn one. With the sheer speed of the Beastcalws, they are bent on crashing through enemy lines and sitting there.

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for Butchers, they can feed on Endless Spells. When they do, they heal back to full health. If they were already unhurt, you can add 1 to the general’s wounds and can an additional spell from normal. Just remember that the Butcher has to be the general in order for you to pick Spell-Eater.

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The Ogor Hunters are incredible skilled. And with the Skal Packmaster rule, you can ambush two squads of Frost Sabres instead of the normal one. This is useful for board control as you have more bodies to nab objectives or run interference for the rest of your force.

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And finally, for the tyrants, they have a trait all for themselves. You’ll want to take this guy and use him solely for hunting characters with artifacts. If you do, they can reroll all hits and wounds- making them devastating for their points.

With this preview of rules under our belt, do you like the changes to the fatties now?

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