GW Reveals New Artillery Box For Legions Imperialis

legions-imperialisIf you want to blast everything off the board, the new Legions Imperialis Artillery box has the tanks you need to do it!

If you’ve patiently waited for Epic Warhammer 40k to return, it’s being rebranded in the Horus Heresy era as Legions Imperialis. While we’ve seen plenty of the miniatures in the starter box, it’s always nice to get more details of how the game will play out on the tabletop. 

GW just announced the game will be pushed back some, but this gives us some more time to decide on the game by looking at the minis! If you want to see some of the core rules, you can check those out here. Let’s jump into the new box.

GW Reveals New Artillery Box For Legions Imperialis

The latest Legions Imperialis Artillery box details come from Warhammer Community.

Artillery Legions Imperialis

With armies numbering in the hundreds in Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Legions Imperialis, it’s more important than ever to maintain a powerful reserve of artillery, and these new miniatures will make sure your big guns stay safe and mobile.

The Medusa packs a high calibre, relatively short gun designed for crushing vehicles and fortifications under shells the size of a dustbin. This often necessitates getting a little closer than you might like, but unlike their counterparts from the 41st Millennium, they’re amply protected in a Leman Russ-class chassis instead of the Chimera-based vehicle of the further future.

There is a lot of infantry to work through and plenty of bigger enemies, so it only makes sense the Solar Auxilia would bring tons of artillery! One of the best parts about Epic is fielding a ton of minis, and this box will let you throw down eight tanks in one buy.

Artillery Legions Imperialis 2

In contrast, the Basilisk still uses the classic Earthshaker cannon you know and love, hurling high explosives over ludicrous distances to smash apart infantry, walkers, and vehicles alike. It’s the final word in long-range fire support, with enough firepower to force your enemy out of position as they divert valuable troops to suppressing your artillery.

Each box provides eight vehicles that can be assembled as the support platform of your choice, so you can fill your need for fire support at whatever range suits you best. 

With eight tanks per box and two build options, this should be a pretty good pickup for anyone who loves tanks on a small scale. We still haven’t heard more about the release date, but let’s hope we see the models drop soon!

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