GW Reveals New Space Marines MTO, Black Library, LoTR Pre-Orders

black-library-new-relases-space-marinesGW revealed even more new releases for next week, as new Black Library, MTO Space Marines, and LoTR are hitting pre-orders!

Games Workshop just let us in on more new releases that will be going up for pre-order this coming Saturday at 1PM eastern here in the states.

Be sure to click here for the latest special on Audiobooks that is happening right now to score free Black Library books!

Now let’s look at next week’s Pre-Order line-up from Warhammer Community.

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White Dwarf 475

White Dwarf 475

Check your artycles and strap on your endrinharness – the Kharadron Overlords get their own Tome Celestial in this month’s White Dwarf 475. There’s clearly some aether-gold to be made in the skies over Thondia, as the Kharadron are heading out there in droves. This fresh rules update is just what the Aether-Khemist ordered – and there’s a new campaign, too!

The monthly magazine is back again, so if you are interested in the many different areas of the Hobby, this is a great way to be exposed to a ton of things all at once.

9th warhammer 40k bannerMade To Order Space Marine Captains

But wait, what if you’re not on their side? You’ll need the help of an expert in anti-xenos warfare, and no-one has as much experience kicking Tyranid behind as Space Marine Captains.

These six classic Captains are returning to the webstore shelves on a strictly Made to Order basis, so don’t miss your chance to own one of these pieces of Adeptus Astartes history.


MTO ultramarine captainFirst up is this Decorated Ultramarine Captain, with a notably unique-looking Power Sword…

MTO Dark Angel captain

The Dark Angels Captain actually doesn’t look half bad other than the retro proportions, but it still might be able to blend into a force.

mto Iron Hand CaptainIron Hands also gets access to their retro Captain featuring a Leg on top of their usually iconic hands.

MTO Space Wolves CaptainThe Space Wolves looks pretty good and features a full wolf head, making it a pretty unique option for anyone wanting something different.

MTO blood angels captain

The Blood Angels Captain looks a lot like Dante, but you might be able to use this model as a sort of fluffy Sanguinary Guard Captain.

MTO ultramarine captain 2The final MTO Captain is another Ultramarine which might actually be able to be any faction as there doesn’t seem to be any iconography on him.

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The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring

Depicted at their most optimistic moment, the Fellowship of the Ring are assembled once again in this set of nine models. Field them as a single force and you can take on an entire army, using each member’s unique skills to fight off hordes of Evil-doers.

As a perfect set to collect the iconic protagonists of Lord of the Rings, this seems like an easy choice for anyone interested who doesn’t have them already!

The Battle at Khazad-dûm

The Battle at Khazad-dûm

Re-enact the iconic scene at Khazad-dûm (just be careful of dropping your own Gandalf) and then terrorise the forces of Good with an epically powerful Balrog. As you might expect, this creature is a force of destruction on the battlefield, capable of sweeping aside entire armies by itself.

With an iconic scene, this is also just a fantastic model. YOu might even be able to use the Balrog as a proxy in other games as a demon!

Escape from Orthanc

Escape from Orthanc

This set includes Gandalf and the great eagle Gwaihir, famous for their daring escape from Isengard, and the sought-after Palantir upgrade for Saruman which allows him to use its scrying powers to turn the tide of battle. Feel free to fly the One Ring directly to Mount Doom – it’s probably a lot quicker than walking.

The showdown between Saruman and Gandalf is another iconic scene, but in this bundle, you also get two generally good minis to add to your collection.

Attack at Weathertop

Attack at Weathertop

Replay the Ringwraiths’ attack on the hobbits at Weathertop with this set of 10 miniatures, including Aragorn and the Witch-King of Angmar. It even comes with a tiny fireplace, so you can cook up some tomatoes, sausages, and nice crispy bacon.

As an early test of courage, this is another great scene for the ringbearer, but you also get some great minis along with it!

Ambush at Amon Hen

Ambush at Amon Hen

Take the Hobbits to Isengard after the climactic Ambush at Amon Hen, with beautiful models representing key moments of the battle. The heroes can be used to form a Legendary Legion for both Good and Evil armies, and someone’s even pre-filled this version of Boromir with arrows for his heroic final stand.

As the final MTO LOTR bundle this week, this comes with quite a few models and unique heroes that are perfect for re-enacting this scene from the films/movies.

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Classic Inferno! 46

Classic Inferno! 46

Get your fix of Warhammer fiction as Classic Inferno! 46 returns from the murky mists of Black Library’s past, featuring stories by Dan Abnett, CS Goto, Nathan Long, and CL Werner. Inferno! was the first ever publication to emerge from the nascent Black Library, and this reissue is a great way for collectors to add a classic edition to their shelves.

Best of all, it’ll be available to order via Print on Demand straight away on Saturday.

Unlike some models, Retro BL Stories tend to hold together more when compared to modern ones, making this a great pick up for anyone interested in Lore or just collecting!



Forge World Orestes comes under attack by vicious Chaos Titans in Titanicus, and only the timely arrival of Legio Invicta can save them. Relive this tale of the Sabbat Worlds Crusade in a new MP3 audiobook format, perfect for the Princeps on the go.

Lord of Mars

Lord of Mars

The second instalment in Graham McNeill’s Forge of Mars series also comes to MP3 audiobook, as Lord of Mars charts the flight of Archmagos Kotov and his Black Templar allies from a vengeful aeldari force. Twin perils blossom as insurrection rocks the Explorator fleet amid the chase, but surely things couldn’t get any worse than that, could they?

Audiobooks are great when you are just too busy to sit down and read, which seems to be more and more of us every year…

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black library on sale

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If you’ve never used Audible before, the credits are really cool. You get a free book a month, on top of all the streaming stuff, that you get to keep.

Are you excited about the new offerings hitting pre-orders?

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