GW Reveals New Cities of Sigmar Models & Rules Leaks Spread

cities-of-sigmar-new-army-box-age launchGW has revealed all the new Cities of Sigmar models for the faction as rules leaks and Rumors have spread all over the internet already!

Generally, the influencers get their boxes ahead of the actual release so they can paint up the minis, make videos, etc., and often someone will also leak the rules! This not only means we have rules ahead of time, but we also know the release of the box is imminent!

However, GW wasn’t to be outdone, as they revealed the rest of the new miniatures for the Cities of Sigmar line. So, we have plenty to get into for the new faction, so let’s start with the rules!

GW Reveals New Cities of Sigmar Models As Rules Leaks Spread

The new Cities of Sigmar rules leaks come from Reddit.

New Cities of Sigmar Models 3Let’s start with the new models; first, we have the Pontifex. Having nine wounds is far better than having 10, and this has a 4+ Ward save to boot, so a surprisingly hard-to-kill model.

Then, the prayers are interesting, with the possibility for Ward saves, extra movement, board-wide mortals (just insane against certain armies), of the abilities for mortals in combat. Lastly, you have +1 to unbind, this is a very versatile hero that can also dish out the damage!

New Cities of Sigmar Models 4Nothing too crazy here; it’s a giant cannon that is good at shooting down big models! You’ll just want to deploy this and not move it so it can shoot whatever you want. If you want something to bring down monsters, bring this.

New Cities of Sigmar ModelsShe’s very similar, except she can’t make people run, shoot, and charge.

New Cities of Sigmar Models 2It seems pretty obvious you’re not going to pick the melee option, as most people will grab the +1 to cast or the unbind.

New Cities of Sigmar Models 5The Hurricanum seems to get a NERF here, but it’s hard to say without seeing everything in the book, but from just looking at this, it appears to be a tad less effective…

New Cities of Sigmar Models 6If you want to shoot beams of light at the enemy, this is your mini! Oh, and the searing beam of light does mortal wounds at 30″!

New Cities of Sigmar Models 7

New Cities of Sigmar Models 8Lat for the leaks, we gave some dwarves! The Longbeards are surprising as they go to a base save of 3+ (meaning this leaves the ability to get them to a 2+ save) and bravery of 8. So should be a good tarpit unit.

Lastly, the Warden King is tough, has a good save, and can dish out some damage!

New Cities of Sigmar Models & Miniatures

The full reveal for all the new Cities of Sigmar Models comes from Warhammer Community.

New Cities of Sigmar Models 9

Pontifex Zenestra is the Matriarch of the Great Wheel, one of the many Cults Unberogen who worship aspects of the God-King Sigmar. Allegedly a great-grandmother at the dawn of the Age of Sigmar, she brooks no questions about the accompanying skeleton whose scars mirror her own.


New Cities of Sigmar Models 10

Redolent with Azyrite energy, a great coruscating halo of heavenly force lashes out at enemies as she is carried into battle on an ornate palanquin by pious warriors eager to prove their devotion.

We already saw the rules for this model, and we expect almost all players to run one of these in their army, as its abilites are quite good, and the model looks cool!

Ironweld Great Cannon

New Cities of Sigmar Models 11


New Cities of Sigmar Models 12

The gatehouse of the novel Castelite formation employed by the armies of Sigmar, the Ironweld Great Cannon is an artillery piece that strikes a balance between speed of reloading and raw, destructive firepower.

As we said, if you want something to kill big monsters, this is a good choice, as if you get a little lucky, you can do tons of damage!

Freeguild Command Corps

New Cities of Sigmar Models 13


New Cities of Sigmar Models 14

The Great Herald holds a banner, accompanied by Mascot Gargoylians. You might have spotted smaller Gargoylians on the bases of other Cities of Sigmar units – we’ll have more information on these peculiar creatures soon!

War in the realms is brutal, and War Surgeons are on hand to amputate a limb to keep the army in fighting form, while Soul Shepherds and their eerie Corpus Somni pipers guard the souls of those who cannot be saved. Arch-Knights are looming bodyguards to their Marshals, while the spymasters known as Whisperblades instil discipline in the ranks through fear, paranoia, and sharp knives. 

New Cities of Sigmar Models 15Some very interesting minis are included in this command set, and if you want some wild doom and gloom in your army, these will be great.

Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal 

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Some Marshals prefer to command their armies from atop mighty steeds, charging into battle alongside the Freeguild Cavaliers, smashing through enemy ranks before wheeling around to strike again. 

Every fantasy army needs a cool hero on a horse, and here you go!

New Battletome & Starter

New Cities of Sigmar Models 18

Every single unit will be featured in Battletome: Cities of Sigmar, a 160-page book with a huge background section covering every aspect of the Cities and how they wage war. The first place to get this book – and the first selection of miniatures – is in the Cities of Sigmar Army Set, coming soon.

They still have a giant number of units inside, so the book being this large makes sense.


New Cities of Sigmar Models 19We’ve already seen the contents, but now we get the artwork of the box too! If you want to see all the minis inside, check that out here!

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