GW Reveals New Lumineth Realm-lords AoS Rules

lumineth realm-lords walWith the book looming on the horizon it was only a matter of time before we saw some new Lumineth Realm-lords AoS rules- check it out!

Warhammer Community has released some weapon profiles and special rules for two of the new named characters. They also mention we’ll be seeing one key rule each day for them, so keep your eyes peeled for more soon!

They are getting a ton of new releases, which you can see everything here. But we’ll show you some of them and then check out the new rules!

GW Reveals New Lumineth Realm-lords AoS Rules

lumineth realm lords

The new battletome brings you right up to speed with the ongoing narrative of the Lumineth Realm-lords and introduces the Hurakan. The Hyshian aelves who’ve become attuned to the spirits of the wind.

Just a friendly reminder. If you have the original battletome, Broken Realms Teclis is enough to update you to their current rules. This battletome just serves as a more convenient entry point for new army collectors/players.

Lord RegentThe kit can alternatively be assembled as a Lord Regent of your own creation. Perfect for tooling up with artefacts to suit your army’s preferred fighting style.

If you want a more generic character, and probably cheaper to field, the basic Lord Regent may be a better fit.

Hurakan Windchargers

Riding atop their Treerunner steeds. They sweep into the fray to deliver killing arrows with unerring accuracy. There are no finer mounted archers to be found anywhere in the Mortal Realms.

Ranged options are pretty limited in AoS so don’t expect anything groundbreaking, we may however see some great mobility and utility-based abilities.

Sevireth, Lord of the Seventh Wind
The wrathful manifestation of one of the greatest geomantic spirits of the wind, Sevireth is a terrible foe for any who would seek to corrupt the sacred purity Hysh. Sevireth can traverse the battlefield in the blink of an eye and cut down his victims from afar with Enathrai, his giant magical bow.

As hinted at in the original preview, this character sports impressive movement, and a good bow. It’ll be interesting to see what else the character offers. But now, let’s get into the new rules!

Ellania and Ellathor

Ellania and Ellathor


AltairiThis model has two in one, meaning you’ll get a mage and a fighter. They also get much better as the battle goes on. As their damage increases depending on the battle round. Get them stuck in on turn 4 or 5 and every one of the 4 attacks will be doing that much damage at -2 rend!  Especially with a 2+ to hit and 3+ to wound! Also, if you wait until later in the battle to unleash the other power, you can deal an insane amount of wounds. With the mortals triggering on a 2+ on every model with damage equal to the battle round.

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Realm Wanderers NEw Aos Lumineth Real lords rulesThis is a neat way to take them as allies. And if you have them hanging out near your general, you’ll have a 50/50 chance to get more command points!

Lyrior Uthralle, Warden of Ymetrica


Daemonbane AoS Lumineth Relam Lords ruleEven though it’s only one shot, at 2+ to hit and wound, this will be a reliable ranged weapon. In CC it has the same profile, making it very reliable. And anytime you’re fighting Chaos or Daemons, it will always inflict 3 Damage. Nothing wrong with that!

Voice of Tyrion Lumineth AoS ruleIf you decide to take him over Teclis, you’ll almost always be getting a free command point. Just don’t get too mad when you roll that one! That does it for today, but be sure to check back for all the new rules still coming!

Are you excited about the rules you’ve seen? Will you be picking any of the new minis up?

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