GW Reveals New MTO Tau, LoTR, & Forge World Releases

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer community

GW revealed even more new releases next week, as new MTO Tau, LOTR, and some new Aeronautica Imperialis are hitting pre-orders!

Games Workshop just let us in on all the new releases that will be going up for pre-order this coming Saturday at 1PM eastern here in the states, while the Forge World will be hitting the web on this Friday.

Now let’s look at next week’s Pre-Order line-up from Warhammer Community.

9th warhammer 40k banner

MTO T’au Ethereals

There are a total of four MTO Ethereals, so if you are looking to spice up your newly updated T’au force, this is a great opportunity to do so!

T’au Ethereals MTO 4


T’au Ethereals MTO 3


T’au Ethereals MTO 2


T’au Ethereals MTO 1


lotr bannerBelow are an assortment of old-school MTO Lord of the Rings models, so grab them if you think you can use them. If not you might miss your chance to get these!

The Moria Goblin Shaman

The Moria Goblin Shaman

Armoured Moria Goblins

Armoured Moria Goblins

Easterling Warriors Warband

Easterling Warriors Warband

Lorien Elf Archers

Lorien Elf Archers

Galadriel, Protectress of Lothlorien

Galadriel, Protectress of Lothlorien

Haldir’s Elves with Swords

Haldir’s Elves with Swords

Haldir’s Elves with Bows

Haldir’s Elves with Bows

Captain of Dale

Captain of Dale


aeronautica banner

Vampire Raider

Vampire Raider

Hot on the heels of the new Necron Doom Scythe and Night Shroud miniatures come aerial reinforcements for the Asuryani. The Vampire Raider is the first Asuryani aircraft to have a transport capacity, so you can now play as the attacker in scenarios such as Subterranean Assault from the Taros Air War Campaign Book.

Heavy fire support in the sky is always a good thing! Maybe we will see this in the broader 40k game at some point too?

Vampire Hunter

Vampire Hunter

For those who prefer to rip out the passenger seats and add even more weaponry, there’s the Vampire Hunter. This heavy ground-attack bomber is perfect for taking out even the hardiest of enemy ground assets.

Both planes will be available to pre-order from Friday from the Forge World webstore, and you can find rules for using them in your games in the Aeronautica Imperialis Companion.

If you want a little extra oomph, then the hunter is a better choice for sure!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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