GW Reveals New Releases for Black Library & Blood Bowl!

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityNew Blood Bowl, a White Dwarf, Black Library, and even some official licensed holiday products are coming next week.

Games Workshop just let us in on all the new releases that are going up for pre-order this coming Saturday.

So let’s look at next week’s line-up, starting with the new Blood Bowl from Warhammer Community.

BLood Bowl banner

Barik Farblast

Barik Farblast

Barik is a dwarf star player who categorically cannot use his incredibly powerful bazooka as a weapon. Sure, he can launch the ball at the touchline like a ballistic missile, but he is not allowed to use it against players. It’s Dwarf law, or something.

You might not have expected a rocket launcher in Blood Bowl, but that doesn’t make it any less epic!

white dwarf banner

White Dwarf Issue 471

wd 471

December’s issue of White Dwarf is on its way, with 144 pages packed full of hobby content. Turn that white snow red with an update to Battletome: Soulblight Gravelords, bringing new matched play, open play, and Path to Glory rules for everyone’s favourite bloodsuckers. 

wd 471 contents

There’s also a three-game Path to Glory battle report, rules for a Tyranids Army of Renown – the Crusher Stampedes – and a bunch of modelling articles for Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, celebrating its 20th anniversary.

However, sadly there is also a minor delay for the issue in the United States:

Subscribers in the United States will unfortunately need to wait a little longer than usual for their issue due to delays with the subscriber-exclusive cover version, but regular copies should be on newsstands everywhere.

licensed product banner

Christmas Accoutrements for Everyone

Christmas Accoutrements for Everyone

Give your family a visit from Da Red Gobbo with thematic wrapping paper in Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar flavours – match the paper to the gifts for bonus satisfaction.

Da Red Gobbo is clearly a lot more jolly than people give him credit for. This paper makes for a potential “easter egg” if your gift recipient might be a Warhammer fan!

Christmas Accoutrements for Everyone 2

Choose from a range of Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar-themed cards, including Space Marines, Orks, Kharadron Overlords, Stormcast Eternals, and of course, Da Red Gobbo himself.

These cards seem pretty straightforward, but surprising a buddy with a little bit of Warhammer never hurt anyone, especially if you know they are a fan already.

Christmas Accoutrements for Everyone 3

The all-powerful entities of the 41st Millennium always know whether you’ve been naughty or nice, but perhaps you can curry a little favour with your preferred faction by filling these splendid stockings, available in Imperium and Chaos flavours, with gifts.

Last up for the bonus products are these two stockings, which might just be simple enough for anyone to buy, maybe even for themselves? BLOOD FOR THE… I mean candy!

Black library banner new

Volpone Glory

Volpone Glory

Nick Kyme’s Volpone Glory takes readers to the Sabbat Worlds, where the haughty Volpone Bluebloods are tasked with the liberation of an island chain from the Archenemy.

Volpone Glory Collector’s Edition

Volpone Glory collectors

This novel is available in a special edition limited to 1,500 copies that comes with all the trappings – a leather effect cover with gold and silver details, a full colour art page, a ribbon page marker, an introduction by Dan Abnett, and an afterword by Nick Kyme, as well as his short story, ‘Without Honour’.

Steel Tread Audio Book

Steel Tread

If you want something a bit more down to earth than the exploits of a regiment of aristocrats, then the MP3 audiobook of Steel Tread will be right up your alley, as it follows the dysfunctional crew of a Leman Russ Demolisher on the front lines.

Crimson Fists: The Omnibus

Crimson Fists The Omnibus

The bold Crimson Fists stand unmovable in the face of immeasurable odds in this omnibus that collects together the catastrophic events that they endured as their Chapter Monastery on Rynn’s World came under attack. Containing two novels, one novella, and four short stories by Mike Lee and Steve Parker, this is the ultimate Crimson Fists collection.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For December & Beyond

Are you excited about the new Blood Bowl or holiday-themed pre-orders this week? 

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