GW Reveals New Releases for Horus Heresy & LOTR

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityNew Horus Heresy and some Lord of the Rings Middle Earth Strategy Battles are coming next week as new pre-orders.

Games Workshop just let us in on all the new Sons of Horus Horus Heresy and Lord of the Rings terrain releases that are going up for pre-order this coming Saturday.

Now let’s look at next week’s line-up, starting with the new Horus Heresy from Warhammer Community.

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Sons of Horus Cataphractii Praetor

Sons of Horus Cataphractii Praetor

Praetors are the favoured warriors among the Legions due to their combat and tactical prowess, and just to prove he’s the Warmaster’s number one champion, this guy even has a sweet back banner, which was once the height of fashion in the Imperium.

Horus Heresy models are always exciting because they are always filled to the brim with their chapter’s Iconography, making them stand out next to other chapter marines.

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Rohan Stronghold

rohan stronghold

The Rohan Stronghold comes with a veritable village of houses, as well as palisade walls and watchtowers which let you make your very own Rohan settlement.

If you hadn’t noticed before, Rohan also bears some striking resemblances to Whiterun in Skyrim if you play that tabletop game as well! Either way, rebuilding scenes from movies is always a fun hobby project.

Amon Hen

Amon Hen

As the 20th anniversary of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring™ film is upon us, now’s the perfect time to pick up this excellent recreation of Amon Hen. Will you play out Boromir’s heroic last stand on the side of the forces of Good, or will you command the Uruk-Hai raiding force? Either way, your battlefield will look every inch the part.

Speaking of recreating scenes from movies, Amon Hen is iconic!

All the Newest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

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