GW Reveals New Releases for Necromunda, Blood Bowl, & More

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityNew Necromunda and Blood Bowl are coming next week from Forge World along with some new Black Library!

Games Workshop just let us in on all the new Forge World and Black Library releases that are going up for pre-order this coming Saturday.

Now let’s look at next week’s line-up, starting with the Necromunda from Warhammer Community.

Necromunda banner

Cawdor Weapons and Upgrades kit

Clan Cawdor weapons upgrade

In the depths of the underhive, next week is Clan Cawdor’s chance to shine. First up are the Cawdor Weapons and Upgrades kit, which is fully compatible with the Cawdor gang and includes 14 alternate weapons to give you the edge. Also included are some flak armour panels to give your Leaders and Champions some additional protection, and 10 heads to really personalise your fighters.

Upgrade kits are a fantastic way to spice up an army or gang, even if you don’t care about the actual weapon profiles.

Stig Shambler

Stig Shambler

This Cawdor-specific Brute adds some heavy-hitting power to your gang. Equipped with either a twin-linked heavy stubber or a heavy flamer, it will decimate enemy gangs at range, and anyone foolish enough to get too close will get diced by those blades.

Big models are rare in Necromunda, which means this guy will be even more intimidating in the Underhive.

Klovis the Redeemer

Klovis the Redeemer

Of course, House Cawdor knows the best weapon is faith! Who better to accompany your gang into battle then than Klovis the Redeemer himself? He’ll slice his way through the faithless with his master-crafted eviscerator, while his subordinate Deacon Malakev makes notes of all of his glorious deeds. If that doesn’t fire up your gang to even greater feats then nothing will.

Straight out of the pages of Inferno and Warhammer Monthly! He’s sure to have support abilities galore, so if you already have a Cawdor gang he’s an easy include.

Sheen Birds

Sheen Birds

If you prefer to just wing it, then the Sheen Birds are for you. These exotic beasts are great at protecting their owner, causing a nuisance to enemy fighters with beaks and claws. Their ability to fly means no one is safe, no matter how high up they might be hiding.

In an interesting turn of events, these animals will be joining the gang forces and serve as some serious annoyances to your opponents.

BLood Bowl banner

Blood Bowl Khorne Team

Khorne team

Charging onto the astrogranite for their Blood Bowl debut are the new Khorne team. Focused on blood first and bowl second, the Skull-Tribe Slaughterers include six nimble Bloodborn Marauder Linemen, four brutal Bloodseekers, and a pair of fearsome Khorngors. With a unique set of skills, stats, and abilities, they’re a handful for any opponent.

Other than looking amazing, these new players are sure to lay down some beats, just as Khorne intended. Blood for the Blood God grid iron style.

Khorne Team Booster Pack

Khorne Team Booster Pack

To add some variety to your team (or just max out your complement of those formidable Khorngors) you’ll want to grab the Forge World Khorne Team Booster Pack. Featuring two alternate sculpts for Bloodborn Marauder Linemen and two alternate Khorngors, it’s a fantastic way to fill out your roster.

The team booster is a great way to shake up your lineup a little bit and differentiate yourself from other Khorne team players.

Star Players: Max Spleenripper & Scyla Anfingrimm

Max Spleenripper


Scyla Anfingrimm

Add to the carnage you’ll be causing on the pitch with a pair of Khornate Star Players – Max Spleenripper and Scyla Anfingrimm. Armed with a chainsaw, Max will be chopping his way through anything that gets in his way until those pesky referees notice, while Scyla is a bundle of pure rage.

Both of these star players look great, and might even make for good conversion candidates!

Khorne Bloodspawn

Khorne Bloodspawn

Sometimes you just need to forget subtlety – pop the Bloodspawn on your line of scrimmage and just watch them cause absolute havoc as they batter their way through opposing players.

As another big and imposing model, the Khorn team looks like it might be one of the most fight-y teams in Blood Bowl!

Spike! Journal Issue 13

Spike! Journal Issue 13

If you want to unleash your new team, you’ll need the rules, which is where Spike! Journal Issue 13 comes in. Along with the background and history of Khorne teams in Blood Bowl, it includes all the rules for fielding your new players, along with sample rosters, and all the fun-filled columns that you’ve come to know and love. It’s available in softback and epub versions.

Khorne Pitch

Khorne pitch and dugoutsOf course, with any Blood Bowl release, you’ll need a Pitch and dugout to give you the Homefield advantage.

Khorne Dice Set and Card Pack

Khorne team cards and diceWith the new team, you’ll want to rep them with these new dice and grab some cards to help smoothen the learning curve.

Black library banner new

The Wolftime

the Wolftime

According to the legends of the Space Wolves, the Wolftime is the end of the galaxy. Fortunately, the new Black Library novel is the next chapter in the Dawn of Fire series, following on from Avenging Son and The Gate of Bones. It sees Logan Grimnar and his Chapter trying to stem the tide of rampaging Orks led by none other than Ghazghkull himself. How much will the Vlka Fenryka risk to ensure survival?

The Wolftime (Collector’s Edition)

the Wolftime collectors

The book is available as a stunning special edition which features a debossed leather-effect cover, foil blocking, and an additional short story. It’s strictly limited to 2,000 copies and comes signed by the author.

All the Newest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

Are you excited about these Forge World and Lore releases this week? How about the extra Blood Bowl figures?

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