GW Reveals New Releases for Necromunda, Titanicus & More

new forge world releases games workshop wal hor warhammer communityNew licensed products, Necromunda, and Titanicus are coming next week along with some new Black Library titles.

Games Workshop just let us in on all the new Specialist Games, Forge World and Black Library releases that are going up for pre-order this coming Saturday.

Now let’s look at next week’s line-up, starting with new Necromunda updates from Warhammer Community.

Necromunda banner

Escher KhimerixEscher Khimerix

Last but not least, why not purchase a pet for your Escher Gang? The Khimerix may be a bad-tempered, gene-spliced monstrosity with an insatiable appetite, but if you pop a bow on it and ensure it gets enough scritches, it’ll be your best friend.

This hodge-podge of creatures looks crazy, and would definitely make for an interesting paint challenge.

lotr banner

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring™ – Battle in Balin’s Tomb

Battle in Balin’s Tomb

Battle in Balin’s Tomb recreates the iconic scene, and the first battle for the full Fellowship of the Ring, with 22 plastic miniatures including the Fellowship itself, 12 Moria Goblins and, of course, a mighty Cave Troll. It’s a complete game in a box that’s perfect for fans of the Lord of the Rings.

Relive the iconic scenes from the movie with this new guided narrative experience.

titanicus banner

Armiger Knights and Mechanicum Knights Moirax

Armiger Knights and Mechanicum Knights Moirax

These adorable Armiger Knights and Mechanicum Knights Moirax don’t even come up to the shins of a Warlord Titan, but they’re sufficiently speedy and pack in enough firepower to cause serious trouble for other Knights.

licensed product banner

Starforged Warhammer 40,000 Keyrings

Starforged Warhammer 40,000 Keyrings

Check out these fantastic new keyrings from our friends at Starforged. There’s a snazzy melta bomb and a detailed bolter round, plus an Ultramarines storm shield design for the followers of Guilliman. 

These keyrings do look pretty sweet, assuming they aren’t too expensive, these might be some easy grabs.

Purity Seal Pin Badge

Purity Seal Pin BadgeOf course, this seal also looks pretty cool, but might be better suited for a Cosplay/costume instead!

Starforged Warhammer Age of Sigmar Keyrings

Starforged Warhammer Age of Sigmar Keyrings

If the Mortal Realms is more your thing, then Starforged has you covered with two shield pin-badges – one for Sigmar’s best boys and girls, the Stormcast Eternals, and another for the furious hordes that take skulls in the name of Khorne.

Everyone needs a little extra Khorne in their lives, right?

Black library banner new

Forges of Mars Special Edition Boxed Set Collection

Forges of Mars Special Edition Boxed Set Collection

Black Library has a treat for fans of the Adeptus Mechanicus, collecting Graham McNeill’s explosive Forges of Mars trilogy – Priests of Mars, Lords of Mars, and Gods of Mars into a special edition boxed set. Plus, you’ll also get the short story Zero Day Exploit too.

This new collectors edition is pretty sweet, coming with all 3 books in the series. If you haven’t gotten them yet, or have and love them, this is a great pick up for you lore hounds out there.

Steel Tread

Steel Tread

Meanwhile, in a less grand but no less riveting tale, Andy Clark’s Steel Tread follows the footsteps of Hadeya Etsul as she takes charge of a dysfunctional Cadian tank crew.

As the Iconic “normal humans” in 40k, it’s easy to see why so many people like the faction. This means this book is likely to be a good one as well!

All the Newest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

Are you excited about the new Necromunda or Keyring pre-orders this week? 

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