GW Reveals Next Week’s Start Collecting & MTO

By Rob Baer | February 11th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Games Workshop just gave us a preview of next week’s pre-orders which include two new AoS Start Collecting Box Sets, and MTO releases for Necromunda. Come take a look at the reveals.

Games Workshop just gave us a big teaser on what’s due to come out next week. It looks like we’re finally going to start seeing Shadespire and Necromunda releases starting. Let’s take a look at what they had to say and see what’s coming our way next week.

necromunda MTO preview

For those of you who missed them the first time round, Kal Jerico and “Mad” Donna Ultanti are two renowned bounty hunters from Necromunda’s past – the former, a swashbuckling noble scion turned bounty hunter, the later, an utterly insane warrior-woman rumoured to be the long lost daughter of Sylvanus Ulanti, Patriarch of the noble house of the same name. You’ll have between the 17th and 23rd of February to order these guys for yourself, after which, they’ll disappear once more into the mists of time…

start collecting box set age of sigmar

Meanwhile, kicking off your Stormcast Eternals or Kharadron Overlords army is about to get a lot simpler with the arrival of two new Start Collecting! sets. 

AoS Blightwar Stormcast AoS Blightwar Stormcast neaveLast, but by no means least, you’ll be able to pick up Neave Blacktalon on her own from next week.

So as expected the Kharadron Overlords and Stormcast Eternals are both seeing new Start Collecting boxes that will be available for pre-order on the 17th of February. But how much will you be saving? Let’s find out.

Stormcast Vanguard Start Collecting $85

Stormcast Vanguard

  • Lord-Aquilor $40
  • 3x Vanguard-Palladors $60
  • 3x Gryph-hounds $15 (normally a box of 5)
  • 5x Vanguard-Hunters  $30

Total: $145
Savings: $60

Kharadron Overlords Start Collecting $85

Kharadron Overlords


  • 3x Skywardens $40
  • 5x Grundstock Thunderers $40
  • Grundstock Gunhauler $50
  • Endrinmaster $25

Total: $155
Savings: $70

All in all these boxes are some great deals to save you money. If you’re looking at starting a new army, or simply adding to the one you currently have, you might want to pick one of these up. But that’s not all, Necromunda fans aren’t being left out with some classic MTO models as well Make sure you check back in with us tomorrow for the full list of releases coming out later this week, as well as their prices.


What do you think about the new release preview? If Horticulous Slimux was $55 how much do you think Neave Blacktalon will sell for separately?


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