GW revealed even more new releases for next week, with another wave of Specialist Games and Black Library hitting pre-orders on May 14th!
Games Workshop just let us in on more new releases that will be going up for pre-order this coming Saturday at 1PM eastern here in the states.
Now let’s look at next week’s Pre-Order line-up from Warhammer Community.
White Dwarf 476
Light the incense and praise Slaanesh, issue 476 of White Dwarf is here, and it brings a new Tome Celestial for the Hedonites who worship the Prince of Pleasure, giving you new things to do with all those Depravity points…
There are also rules and missions for using sentries in Kill Team, four new fighters for you to add to your games of Warcry, Crusade rules for falling to Chaos in Warhammer 40,000, and all your favourite articles and features. How incredibly decadent!
With all the hobby news and rules, the White Dwarf is an easy pick-up if you are generally interested in all things Warhammer. Looks like there are even new rules coming for Age of Sigmar as well in this issue.
Rumbelow Sheepskin
What more can be said about Rumbelow Sheepskin that hasn’t been said? He’s the star player ewe will want on your team to ram the touchdowns home. He’ll be gambolling along for pre-order on Friday, along with a pair of wolves that definitely aren’t wearing sheep’s clothing…
Star Players are always exciting if you play the faction because they give you a unique model to be a centerpiece and steal the show! This also appears to be a Forge World release maybe, but we don’t know for sure yet.
Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan
Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans strike out ahead of a Legio’s lumbering Warlord and Reaver Titans, but can still pack a formidable punch with their carapace-mounted Volcano Cannons and Neutron Lasers. They present a deadly new challenge for your foe – and a valuable tool for your own titanic armies.
Adeptus Titanicus is a great game for those who like epic scale, so this release will be great for the people who play it. This also appears to be a Forge World release as well, but no official word yet…
The Vincula Insurgency: Ghost Dossier 1
The newly formed Ghosts of Tanith, led by commander Ibram Gaunt, attempt to bring peace to the ruined border town of Vincula through thankless police action, but evil stalks them in the streets. What dark secrets will be uncovered in this story set during the Ghosts’ earliest days? You can find out in hardback, eBook and audiobook formats next week!
As its own new release, the newest addition to the Ghaunt’s Ghosts saga can be picked up in your choice of three formats!
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