GW Teases a New Age of Sigmar Expansion Coming Soon!

A new Age of Sigmar expansion is coming our way. Skirmish is a game where you battle for treasure with a skirmish sized unit.

Games Workshop just put out the announcement on this new game. Let’s see what they had to say.

Age of Sigmar skirmish

That’s right folks – skirmish sized battles are coming to the Mortal Realms.
This expansion will make use of the existing range of Warhammer Age of Sigmar minitures, and will be a way to play games with just a handful of miniatures, or with part of a new army as you build towards a larger force.

We’ll have more news for you soon…

And they added this from their Facebook Page:

Q: Is this IN ADDITION to Shadowspire, to be released later this year?
A: It is.

On Saturday Darth Alec posted a picture of a spread from the German White Dwarf.

Via The Grand Alliance Community:

Skirmish German

Translated by Google it reads: War battles for treasure and glory in the empire of mortals. 

So it’s looking like skirmish sized battles for treasure coming to the mortal realms! But we don’t have a date, haven’t had a preview yet, so there’s honestly no telling when this game will make it to the shelves. All we can do is hope and wait for the next big announcement from Games Workshop. Everyone likes a game you that you can just pick up and play a quick match, then go on about the rest of your day.

This reminds us of Mordheim: City of the Damned, which wouldn’t be shocking to see Games Workshop modeling another new game off of an existing old one.

Mordheim Cover

Mordheim: City of the Damned was basically Warhammer Fantasy’s version of Necromunda. And as we all know now they remade Necromunda for the most part recently, calling it Shadow Wars: Armageddon.

So why not remake this to bring a like game platform to Age of Sigmar? But is their timing off? Will this be released before or after 8th edition?

What do you think? Is this new Skirmish game appealing to you? Are you ready for some fast paced and shorter battles? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

WD May 2017 Wal Hor

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